Hooked on You - Cathryn Fox Page 0,19

I say. “There were others after her. Although, he finally stopped marrying them and just cohabitated.”

“Are you close with your mom?”

“No, I haven’t seen her in years.” I’m pretty sure my mother only stayed as long as she did out of obligation to me. Once I was old enough, able to take care of myself, she disappeared. It broke my fucking heart, honestly.

She blinks. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“What about your brothers. Are you close to them?”

A few more locals come into the restaurant, and the cold breeze from outside swirls around us.

“Not so much,” I say. “We live all over.” Not wanting to talk about me, I say, “So you and Gram were close?”

She smiles, but behind it, something lurks deeper.

“What did you guys do together? I’m guessing it wasn’t cooking. Her kitchen is still standing, after all.”

“Hey!” She gives me a death look, and I laugh. “I had the gas too high and burned dinner. Anyone could have done it.” She smiles and adds, “Gram and I used to bake together. It was one of her favorite things to do. She’d bake so much we’d have to deliver cookies to half the neighborhood. We also painted.”

“You paint?”

“I did solo paintings, and Gram and I created masterpieces together.”

“I’d like to see them.”

“You already have. The paintings on her walls at the B&B were done by her, or by both of us.” Her smile fades for a brief second, but she recovers quickly, and we fall into easy conversation for the rest of the meal. Once we’re done, I pay the bill, despite her insisting on splitting it. She only concedes when I offer to show her how to use the stove and let her cook next time.

Back in the truck, she goes a bit quiet, lost in her thoughts again. I leave her be, and I’m about to pull into Gram’s driveway when my cell phone pings. I glance at it, see my father’s number, and choose to ignore it. I don’t need an earful tonight, not after enjoying a lovely meal with Kira. It’s been a long time since I had…fun.

Her brow is furrowed, and she’s clasping her purse when I turn back to her. “Something on your mind?”

“You could have answered,” she says, meaning the phone. “I don’t mind.”

“I can deal with it later.”

“Was it…Bridgette?” she asks hesitantly, her voice low and unsure.

“Bridgette?” I laugh, and she looks away. Wait, does she think I’m with someone else? “You want to meet Bridgette, Kira?”


I park my truck in Gram’s driveway beside Izzy’s car. “Come on. Sooner or later you’re going to find my secret out, anyway.”

Chapter Five


I slide from the passenger seat, completely uncertain, the muscles between my shoulders tense. “Look, Nate. Your secrets are yours,” I say. Damn, he doesn’t need to share anything with me. All we did was have a meal together. I have no intention of talking to him about my work, or other, more private matters, like the second key I need to deal with and the promise that’s behind it. “I don’t need to meet Bridgette.”

“It’s not like you have a choice,” he says, the corner of his mouth curling up. “I’m sure she’s already here. It’s right about that time.”

Having no idea what he’s talking about, I tug the coat around me tight as we walk to the back of the house. I step ahead of Nate in the dark night, and he grabs me, pulls me back against his chest. I let loose a little yelp as I land on solid muscle. His hands slide around my body, to steady me, and I become acutely aware of the heat gathered between my legs.

“Watch out,” he says in a low tone, his mouth near my ear, his heat washing over my face. I’m about to open my mouth when the back-porch motion-activated light kicks on, and I come face-to-face with a cow. A great big freaking cow with a bell around her neck and a large, wet black nose inches from my

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