Honor and Desire (Gold Sky #3) - Rebel Carter Page 0,76

coming up to cover the one cupping his face.

“I do, honey.” He smiled at her and pulled her hand to his lips. “I do trust you.”

“Then you understand why I’m coming tomorrow. I have to.”

August cupped her hand with both of his and kissed her knuckles. “I understand. Whatever happens tomorrow is your choice. I’m with you till the end of it.” His words touched her, the thick emotion in his voice wrapping itself around her like a homespun sweater. She believed in her heart that Maurice had been truthful in his information, she knew that her skills as a sharpshooter were unparalleled, and that she had the training to save her fathers. With August with her there was no way they would fail.

So long as they had trust. This would not be the end of it. She knew it.

Chapter 14

If Seylah closed her eyes she could pretend that tonight was like any other. If she didn’t open her eyes then the fire crackling merrily away, and the comforting roar of the storm overhead created the perfect backdrop for a cozy evening. That is until she remembered what awaited her the next morning.

There was nothing but danger in her future.

Seylah crossed her arms over her chest and stared into the flames. It was hard to think about what might happen in the morning, what could be lost, what could already be lost. She gave a quick shake of her head and shut her eyes again. She wouldn’t think on that, not about how she could already be too late to save her fathers.

About what might befall herself and August. No, it was far easier to pretend that today was nothing more than stolen night between the two of them. A night when they pretended to be exactly as they had claimed to be.

Husband and Wife.

“Seylah.” August was beside her now, his hands gentle on her shoulders. His fingers caught in the strands of her braid and he came closer as he curled a lock of hair around his finger.

“Mmm?” She turned to glance at him over her shoulder and smiled when he kissed her shoulder.

“You should get some rest.”

“I’m not tired.”

August cleared his throat and looked towards the bed. “Be that as it may, you need rest, honey.” He moved away from her then and began to work on pulled his suspenders off his shoulders with a jerk. “I’ll sleep by the door. Make sure Maurice keeps good on his word.”

She reached out, catching his arm before he could move away from her. “August, wait.” When he looked at her she bit her lip and then said, “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You won’t be. I’m just going to be there.” He motioned towards the door but Seylah’s hand tightened on his.

“I don’t want you to sleep on the floor.”

“Seylah, I don’t--”

“I want you to sleep with me. In the bed.”

August’s mouth opened and then shut, a motion that he repeated several times before he responded. “Oh,” he husked out, his blue eyes dawning with understanding. The expression had the ability to make August looked infinitely younger, less hardened. Suddenly she could see the boy she had fallen in love with all those years ago and she squeezed his hand again.

“Tomorrow isn’t the end, but…” her voice trailed off and she sucked in a breath before continuing, “tonight I want us to be together. Please don’t sleep on the floor.”

“Oh, honey.” He brought his hands up to cup her face and shook his head, the look in his eyes fading from awe and confusion to lust and desire. No trace of the boy she loved lingered, August was a man now, the man she loved---the man she would love for the rest of her days. His eyes dropped to her lips and he drew her closer still to kiss her. His mouth slanted to hers, lips gentle on hers as his hands moved to trail gently down from her face to her sides and then back up again.

He drew back to look at her and carded his fingers through her hair. “Tell me to stop if this is not what you want.”

“This is what I want. You are what I want,” she whispered and reached for him. “Now take me to bed.”

August chuckled and gave her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.” He reached for her, sweeping her up into his arms bridal style. He turned towards the bed and Seylah threw her arms around August’s neck. She wanted to touch

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