Hometown Star - By Joleen James Page 0,17

Star. “That’s great.”

“But there was a complication. Your sister experienced a lot of bleeding.”

“What?” The bottom dropped out of Star’s stomach. “Is she okay?”

The nurse nodded. “She will be. Bud has asked if you can gown–up and come in. He’d like for you to hold the baby while he sits with Brandi.”

“Me?” Star said stupidly. “I’m not good with babies.”

The nurse smiled. “It’s easy. You’ll see.” The nurse started for the birthing area.

Star’s phone chimed.

Cade: Are you there?

Quickly Star replied, Brandi’s had complications. They are asking me to come in. Gotta go.

Star sent the message, gathered up her sweater and laptop, then followed the nurse to the birthing area.

* * *

Is this what it felt like to be hit by a truck?

Star felt drained, emotionally and physically, and she still had to make the two–hour drive back to Seward.

At least she could leave the hospital knowing that Brandi, Bud, and baby William were fine and well cared for. Brandi had stabilized. She seemed great, happy, but tired. In fact, Star had felt like an outsider for the last hour as she’d watched Brandi, Bud, and the baby snuggle together, but Brandi had insisted that Star stay until Star’s stomach had rumbled so loudly, Brandi finally realized that her sister had been without food all day. At last, Brandi had given Star the go–ahead to go home.

Star headed for the elevator, eager to get back to Patsy’s.

She passed through the waiting area, her focus on the elevator.


Star halted. Cade sat in the waiting area. He unfolded himself from the chair and stood. He looked so good, so strong, and for a moment, she wanted to lean on him, wanted to let him take care of her. She didn’t even want to know where that thought had come from.

“How’s Brandi?” he asked, as she approached.

“She’s all right now, but it was scary for a while. She had some bleeding they had trouble stopping.”

“And the baby?” Cade asked.

Star smiled. “He’s perfect. His name is William. Will for short. I held him for hours. I’d forgotten what it feels like to hold a newborn. Will’s so tiny, so fragile. Holding him took me right back to when Brandi was born. I did more than my fair share of holding her, diapering her, feeding her.”

“What? At nine or ten years old,” Cade said with a shake of his head.

Star frowned. “Destiny isn’t mother material. She enjoyed getting pregnant, it was what came after that she didn’t like.”

Cade touched her arm. “That’s rough. I’m sorry, Star.”

“Don’t be,” Star said, rejecting his pity. She didn’t even want him here. Did she? She didn’t know what she wanted.

Suddenly, the day caught up with Star. She had to sit. Now.

She dropped into the nearest chair.

“Are you okay?” Cade asked, taking the seat beside her.

“It’s been quite an emotional day.” Star placed a hand on her rumbling stomach. “What are you doing here anyway? It’s not like this place is on your way home.”

“Trudy insisted. She thought you might need moral support. She would have come herself, but Ron didn’t want her to make the drive.”

“That was nice of Trudy,” Star said. “And nice of you.”

“I make the drive all the time. It’s no big deal,” Cade said easily. “Were you on your way out?”


“Trudy wanted me to invite you to dinner. She said I’m not allowed to take no for an answer. I promise we’ll all be on our best behavior, especially me.”

Star laughed at the pained expression on his face. “Wow, what an offer. Did Trudy make you memorize that invitation? Never mind, I don’t care. I’d love to visit with Trudy and I don’t feel like being alone tonight. Too much has happened today. I know I won’t be able to turn my brain off. Plus, I’m starving, and I know firsthand what a good cook Trudy is.”

Cade grinned at her. “You won’t be sorry.”

Star stood. Cade rose. He held out his hand, taking her laptop case from her. His other hand closed around her elbow, his touch gentle but firm.

Heaven help her, she was going home with Cade O’Brien. By choice. She’d definitely slipped into an alternate universe, and right now, she didn’t care one bit.

Chapter Six

“Oh, my gosh,” Trudy said after hearing the story of Brandi’s son’s birth, her hands on her own pregnant belly. “I can’t wait until it’s my turn. She’s so lucky to have her baby.”

“How long do you have?” Star took a sip of her wine. They were seated around the

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