Homecoming King - Jami Albright Page 0,90

lot of playing time left in me.” I jab my finger his direction. “You just do your job, and get me back to playing shape, and keep your opinions to yourself.” I swing my bag over my shoulder and storm out of the weight room, proving Duke’s point.

I may be one of his most difficult clients.

Well, fuck him.



“Penises, Maggie! We painted penises on that billboard, and the whole town’s eating it up like candy.” I pace around the pool area of the house with my phone to my ear.

“Maybe they weren’t big enough.”


“What if we put a giant one close to your mouth? The ones around your crown were too ornamental.”

I stop moving and drop my head to my hand. “I think you’re right. Surely, the garden club ladies won’t take a field trip to see a giant penis painted on the billboard. Would they?”

“I’m not putting money on that. I had to go to the drug store this morning and it’s all anyone could talk about. But I do think the churches might finally make some noise about that.”

My blood turns to ice, and I forget the stupid eyesore on the edge of town. “Drug store. Why’d you have to go to the drug store? You’re all right, aren’t you?”

“If you must know, I went to buy tampons. And except for some cramping and the desire to eat all the chocolate and ice cream in three counties, I’m fine.” There’s no censure in her voice—she knows how Donny and I are. We tolerate her nauseating optimism, and she tolerates our overreactions when she gets the slightest sniffle.

“Oh, okay, good.” I breathe out a relieved sigh. “Then I’ll make another trip out tonight, and if this doesn’t do it, then nothing will.”

“Do you need me to come with you again?”

“No, I can do it alone. I don’t want you getting in trouble, too, if I get caught.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” The sound of wheels on gravel gets my attention. I turn to see Gracie King exiting her car. “Hey, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.”

“Talk later.”

I disconnect the phone and wave at the mother of the man I’m sleeping with. This isn’t awkward at all.

“Tiger.” She makes her way to me. “How are you?”

“I’m great, Gracie. How ’bout yourself?”

“Never better.” Her hands go to her hips, and she glances around. “Is it weird to have someone else own Wayland Estate?”

“Not at all.” And I almost believe it when I say it. “If you’re looking for Cash, he’s not here right now.”

She checks her phone. “I’m supposed to meet him here for a tour, but I’m a little early.”

“I know that’ll make him happy. We’ve done some great things to the house. I think you’ll really like them. At least, I hope you will.”

“I’m sure y’all have done a beautiful job with the house, but I’m only here to make up for something I did that hurt Cash’s feelings. I have no intention of moving into this big ol’ house.”

My heart drops a little at that news. I was hoping someone who would love the house would live in it. Also, I know it will hurt Cash for his mom to refuse his gift. “I was afraid you would say that. Why don’t I start showing you around, and he can catch up when he gets here.”

“Let’s do it.”

“Great. Follow me.”

We head into the kitchen, and I show her the tile and granite, the little touches that make this house so special. Then I lead her into the great room, which is my favorite. “I just love this room. We’ve exposed the beams and opened it up. It’s the perfect place for a big family to gather. It looks nothing like it used to look.”

“It is lovely,” Gracie says.

“Let me show you the downstairs master bedroom. Cash thought it would be perfect for your mom and Joe.” I usher her into the room with its big windows and gorgeous en suite. “Can’t you just see a big four-poster bed there in the middle of the room facing these amazing windows? That’s quite a view to wake up to every day.” I motion to the orchard beyond the pool. “The trees are so pretty in the spring.”

“Sounds like you have this room pictured in your mind.” Gracie peeks her head into the bathroom. “Too bad you can’t live here. The house has been in your family for such a long time.”

I grin and shrug. “Some things aren’t meant to

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