Homecoming King - Jami Albright Page 0,71

I’m so sorry. That wasn’t my intent. I wanted to show you what good things we were going to do with your money.”

“I know. I’m not blaming you. I’m just trying to explain.”

I nod. “I get it. And listen, you know you won’t get any judgment from me on family crap.”

“You can’t possibly understand what my mom and I lived through.”

“That’s true. My parents didn’t leave scars or bruises on my skin, but some of the wounds to my heart and soul may never heal. That may seem over the top, but growing up with conditional love makes you doubt everything about yourself. There’s no solid ground. Knowing they can and probably will withdraw their affection if you make one wrong move, gain one pound too many, or say one wrong word creates this neurotic compulsion to please people. It really screws you up.” I smooth a piece of hair that’s fallen from my messy bun away from my face. “I don’t want to get into a pissing match with you about who had the worst parents, but you did have your mother. Both of mine were … well, they just were.”

I wait for him to contradict me again, but he only stares. The heat stinging my face has nothing to do with the hot water around us and everything to do with the verbal diarrhea. “I know I sound like a drama queen. Poor little rich girl, right?” I try to laugh the embarrassment away, but my half-hearted attempt only spotlights the moment, instead of diluting the awkwardness.

“I don’t think that about you, Tiger. I admire you, actually.”


“You walked away from your family and a life of prestige because it wasn’t who you wanted to be, and you’re remaking yourself.”

“Thank you.”

He glides one hand over the top of the water’s surface. “Though I don’t think you have to throw all the notoriety out with the bathwater, but it’s not my life.”

I pop some of the bubbles on the surface of the water with my finger. “It had to be all or nothing.”


“It just did.”

“That’s not a reason, Kitty Cat.”

“Well, it’s my reason.” Now I’m on the hot seat and I don’t like it one little bit.

He cocks his head. “I’m still not sure I understand.”

“Neither did my parents when I gave away my trust fund.”

“You had a trust fund and gave it away?” He says the words like they’re something foreign on his tongue. “To who? Why?”

I’m mortified that I just blurted that out with no filter. He probably thinks I’ve lost my mind too. I stand and turn from side to side, looking for an escape.

His big hand gently wraps around my wrist. The movement brings him closer to me. We’re mere inches from one another, and his dark gaze pins me to the spot. “Don’t go. I really want to understand. You had to have had a good reason.”

Not the response I expected. I swallow to moisten my dry mouth. “Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re a smart woman who wouldn’t do something that radical without a damn good reason.”

I search his face, and there isn’t a hint of condemnation in his eyes. He means what he says, and I lose a little more of my heart to him. My body moves without me even giving the command, and I lower myself to the bench.

Cash sits next to me and moves slowly, like one wrong move will make me cut and run. “Tell me.”

I fill my lungs with courage and start talking. “I had to get rid of everything about my old life so it wouldn’t contaminate the new life I’m building. Everything. Besides, that trust fund belonged to Tiger Watson, compliant daughter and submissive wife. A woman who accepted that she was only worth what people told her she was worth based on how well she obeyed and how good she made someone else look. I couldn’t in good faith keep it, because I had no intention of continuing to be that person.” I survey the back of Wayland Estate, the place I grew up, and feel nothing but regret. “Plus, that money was used against me my whole life, especially after I became an adult.”

“What do you mean?”

“My parents threatened to take it away from me or delay me receiving it to keep me in line. It was also why Brad made sure I was exactly what they wanted. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on it. Imagine my surprise when I found out

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