Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,56

with his familiar team and careful planning exactly what his duty was. This was different. This group had been together for a while, at least most of them. He’d joined the Army at the age of eighteen, and for sixteen years it was the only job he had. Now he was the newbie. The one who was going to have to start out to prove himself.

True to Mace’s word, he’d received paperwork through an online, secure channel the day before. He’d completed it, sending it back. Now all that was left was for him to walk through the door.

Climbing from his vehicle, he breathed deeply, the crisp, salty air of the spring morning filling his lungs. He walked to the house, following the instructions that had been given, and knocked on the door. It was flung open almost by the time he dropped his hand.

“You found us, good. Good. Come on in, John.” Horace, grinning widely, reached his hand out for a shake.

He stepped inside the house, immediately entering a large kitchen. A woman was standing at the counter, her gray hair tidy, a grandmotherly appearance about her, and yet as soon as her steely eyes landed on him he knew he was being evaluated. And with the expression on her face, he hoped he met with her approval.

Horace clapped a hand on John’s shoulder and waved toward the woman. “I’d like you to meet my better half. This is my wife, Marge.”

He stepped forward, shaking her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Tiddle.”

She offered a firm handshake, her sharp eyes taking him in before her lips curved slightly. “Just call me Marge. I’ve heard a lot about you already, John. Bray sings your praises, and Mace is excited to have you on board. From what I understand, your actions this weekend speak highly for you. You’ll find that around here that kind of selfless dedication goes a long way—even more than your military background.”

Her words surprised him, and unable to think of a response, he simply nodded. “Thank you.”

“Horace and I take care of the grounds and the buildings of LSI. I dare say you’ve probably heard that we take care of the Keepers as well.” A wide smile finally broke out on her face as though she’d come to a conclusion. “Welcome aboard.”

“I’m glad to be here,” he assured. A sound from the back hall captured his attention, and he swung his head around to see Mace walking into the kitchen.

Shaking hands, Mace instructed, “Follow me, John. I’ll take you to the others and go through the security for you. Sylvie got your paperwork, we’ve already done an initial security check and clearance that extends the one you had with the Army, and your signed nondisclosure is in place. Before you leave, Sylvie will have you sign a few things. Mostly personnel and tax forms. Once you’re completely in her system, our security will add your information so that you won’t need to be escorted to get to the main room.”

Multiple questions flew through his mind, but he kept his mouth shut and his eyes open— one of the early lessons he learned in boot camp many years ago, and it had always served him well.

They moved through the house, his gaze taking in the space, noting it appeared to be just like any other house. Mace, who he figured didn’t miss much—including his perusal—said, “I grew up near here, and when I had the opportunity, I bought the decommissioned lighthouse and keeper's house. As a child, I’d discovered some of the caverns that run underneath, many used by smugglers in centuries past. Sylvie and I live with our son on the property that I grew up in, my grandfather’s house.”

They walked down a back hall toward the base of the lighthouse. He looked up at the concrete, spiral stairs that led up to the top.

“It’s a great view. We’ll go up there before you leave.”

He observed with keen interest as Mace turned to the opposite wall and flipped open a hidden panel. Tapping in a security code, he stood while a retina scan occurred, then placed his hand on a finger scanner. A door swung open, and Mace entered, inviting John to step in with him. Discovering they were in an elevator, he watched again as Mace tapped in another security code and they began their descent. At the bottom, the door swung open and they entered another hallway, stopping at a heavy metal door.

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