Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,31

but uncertain if he should ask any questions. Knowing Mace would not divulge any specifics on their cases, he waited to see what other information would be imparted.

“My situation was similar to yours, only it was my dad that had taken off and my mom raised my sister and me. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather who lived near a lighthouse not too far from here. I grew up listening to the stories of the lighthouse keepers, their sense of dedication and devotion to the task regardless of the conditions they were forced to live in. Keepers are the defenders of the light. The caretakers. The guides to safety for those who are lost in the storm.”

“I’m impressed, Mace. Not only with the business you built but with your vision for the mission you undertake.”

“Thank you, I appreciate that. I don’t advertise for employees. And I assure you that just because someone was in a branch of special operations in the military, that doesn’t give them an automatic in with me. Our employee base is fairly small, and I’m not looking to expand beyond our capabilities. I started with nine Special Ops, and a former CIA Special Ops I’d worked with is running the office. That position was her choice, even though now she also works some ops with us. I’d worked with Horace’s wife, and when they’d both retired years before and were looking for something to do, I hired them on as well. He takes care of the grounds, and quite frankly, Marge takes care of us. I’ve now increased our ranks by four more. My wife is also now our office manager.”

John tried to tamp down his growing enthusiasm but was certain that Mace would not be divulging this much information if he wasn’t at least interested in considering him as a possible employee.

They continued to talk for another hour, both about missions they were able to discuss and getting to know each other more. Just as Gramps returned home, they stood and walked out to Mace’s SUV.

Shaking hands, Mace said, “I’d like for you to have a chance to meet some of the other Keepers.”

“I’d like that. I’d like that a great deal.”

“Okay, how about Thursday night at Moose’s Bar? It’s a local establishment.”

“I’ve been there. That’s where I met Horace.”

“Good, good. Thursday nights tend to be less crowded and a lot tamer than the weekends. We’ll get there about seven.”

“I’ll be there.”

Mace climbed into his SUV, and John threw his hand up in a wave as he watched it drive back down Gramps’ drive before he headed inside. Gramps looked up at him, his eyes sharp.

“Good visit, boy?”

“Yeah, Gramps. Good visit.”

Gramps nodded and settled into his recliner. “Well, don’t forget the gutters.”

Walking back outside, he grinned as he climbed the ladder once again.


Wednesday dawned dreary, a chilly Maine spring with rain in the forecast. As the children talked excitedly about John’s visit, Lucy had to pull from deep within her optimistic reserves to not want to cancel the entire visit. I can do this. I can be professional. I can be pleasant. Just a visit from someone the children corresponded with. Not my crush. Not my dream man. Not my… anything.

Huffing, she flipped the light switch a few times to bring the children to order and had them take their seats again just as the rain pelted against the windows. Giving them their last instructions while Mrs. Farthingale had gone to fetch John from the office, she heard footsteps approach. Steeling her spine, she plastered a wide smile on her face and turned to face the door. But seeing him enter, his gaze sweeping over the classroom and not stopping until landing on her, her breath left her lungs in a rush. She was saved from embarrassment only because the children clapped to welcome him.

Walking forward with her hand outstretched, she ignored the flash of doubt she noted in his eyes and greeted, “Welcome back, Sergeant Roster.”

His eyes widened slightly but that was the only way she could determine that indicated he might have wondered how she would greet him. He took her hand in his, and she hoped he didn’t feel the tremble in her fingers. His gaze shot down to her hand. I should have known the super-soldier would notice that!

“It’s nice to see you again, Ms. Carrington.”

His rich, low voice was like velvet, and she sucked in another breath to steady herself. “As you can see, the class is

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