Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,27

wanted to toss off. “I’ve got no job, Gramps. For the past couple of weeks, I could pretend I was just on leave. Visiting here, helping you out, taking time off. But being with Lucy, knowing I’d like to see her again, it was like I was hit over the head with the realization that I’m an unemployed vet… an unemployed, limited vision vet.”

The whump of the recliner snapping to an upright position sounded out in the room, and John jerked his head to the left so he’d have a clearer vision of his grandfather. His grandfather’s scowl matched the expression etched onto his own face.

“Now that’s a load of crap if I ever heard it. On top of that, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I certainly am!”

Blinking, he opened his mouth but his grandfather’s fist slamming down on the arm of his recliner stopped any words from coming.

“You got your health. Yeah, I know, you had an injury and lost part of your vision. But you can see. You can move. You came back with all your limbs. Looks to me like everything on you is working but your brain!” Gramps heaved a great sigh, his voice shaking. “Boy, I know you’re not happy with how things played out, but a helluva lot more people came home in worse shape than you, and those are the ones who came home alive. Do you think I didn’t worry? You think I didn’t lay awake at night in fear of soldiers showing up at the door again like they did with your dad?”

Shame slithered through his body, threatening to choke off his breath. So focused on his disappointment, he’d never considered the emotions of his grandfather. “Fuck… I never thought…”

“That’s what I’m saying. You aren’t using your God-given brain other than feeling sorry for yourself.”

Scrubbing his hand over his face, he let his head fall back onto the sofa cushion again. He thought of Kyle, whose broken ankle would probably never heal enough to allow him to go back as a SEAL. And Jaxson. He winced at the memory of Jaxson’s injuries. I need to text those guys. Check up on them. Do something besides just bemoaning my situation. “You’re right, Gramps.” His voice was soft, his words resigned.

“Getting injured just four years out of retirement sucks, John. I get that. But you’ve got possibilities out there. Hell, Horace is setting you up with a meeting with his boss. And if that don’t work out, there are other things for you. So, maybe the time isn’t right for you and this teacher—Lucy. But that don’t mean you don’t have a helluva lot to offer the right woman.”

Before John had a chance to respond, Gramps pushed himself out of the recliner and mumbled, “Going to bed. I’ve said my piece, and you can chew it over.” He walked stiffly up the stairs, his hand tossed upward in the air as his silent ‘goodnight’.

John sat alone in the dark living room for a long time, memories of the past vying for attention with thoughts of the present. But when he finally headed to bed, it was the disappointed expression in Lucy’s eyes as he abruptly left her house that followed him into sleep.


Lucy sat alone in her classroom, opening the plastic bag with her sandwich and chips. She usually ate in the teacher’s lounge but today wasn’t in the mood for the lively chats. Not when her mind was still filled with the infuriating John Roster.

She had tried to hide her rotten mood during her family dinner yesterday, but they knew something was up. Thankfully, her parents hadn’t continued to pry, having always allowed her to noodle through her problems… well, after her dad made sure her house wasn’t falling apart. Her brother wanted to know if he needed to kick some guy’s ass, but she assured him she was perfectly capable of kicking ass if needed. Her mother had offered a little smile, instinctively knowing she was upset over a man.

But the truth was she had no idea why John had turned cold on her. They’d had a nice dinner. They’d talked about house projects and her class. He’d seemed relaxed. Sitting on the sofa, she had imagined that they were leaning toward each other as they talked, his fingers dancing close to her shoulder. She had even considered closing the distance and seeing if he tasted as good as she was sure he would. And from the look in

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