Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,14

but was surprised to discover they came from him. “To arrange another visit. Or I could just call the school—”

“No, my number is fine. You can call anytime.” She turned and hurried to her desk, allowing him to admire her figure from behind without the kids around. She was wearing flats, but even in heels she would only come to his chin; right now, she would tuck underneath it. Wearing a pink blouse with little puffy sleeves and a bright blue skirt that skimmed the top of her knees but cupped her ass as she bent to get a piece of paper from her desk, she was completely modest—and completely sexy.

After scribbling, she turned, and he was glad his gaze had lifted from her ass. She smiled as she approached, handing him her number.

“As soon as you know your schedule, please, call and we can set up a return visit.”

He looked down at the slip of paper, her phone number printed neatly underneath her name. A flash of memory ran through his mind of a girl in high school slipping him a note with her phone number. Giving his head a little shake, he wondered what it was about being back in the school building that sent the mind to wander along paths from long ago.

“Or… If you’d rather not…”

His gaze shot from the piece of paper to her face, doubt clouding her bright eyes. Now shaking his head vehemently, he rushed, “Sorry, no, I want to. It seems that being back in the school is playing tricks on my mind. But I can call you, although the truth of the matter is… well, my schedule is very open.”

She tilted her head to the side, curiosity in her eyes.

Sighing, he scrubbed his hand over the back of his head, his fingers squeezing his neck. “I’m out of the Army. Medical discharge.”

Her gaze moved to his scar before immediately returning to his eyes. “Oh, John, I’m so sorry.”

He shrugged. “It is what it is.”

Her pink lips opened as though to speak, then shut, and she simply nodded instead. “Are you going to stay in the area?”

“Yes. My grandfather is here. He needs some help around the house, so I figure I’ll stay and make sure he’s okay. I’ve got nothing else going on right now.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he wondered what the hell had gotten into him. Yep, unemployed loser here. That sounds impressive.

Her chin dropped, her eyes lowering for a moment, and he wondered what she was thinking. She didn’t make him wait long before she reached out and touched his arm again.

“Are you still willing to talk to the class? You can talk about the military if you want, but I’d so much rather you talk to them about your life and what you’re doing now.”

He jerked slightly. “Now? But I don’t understand.”

“These children are only ten, but it’s never too young for them to learn that life doesn’t always hand them what they want. Or that sometimes plans have to change. I think it would be good for them to see a confident soldier but also see someone who is having to forge a new direction.” She sucked in her lips, pressing them tightly together, another blush rising over her cheeks. “Wow, I’m sorry. That was terribly forward of me to assume you’d want to talk about any of this.”

“No,” he rushed, wanting to erase her embarrassment. “You’re right. They’re not too young to know that… well, that life changes. But I’m not so good at talking about myself.”

Her smile removed the crinkle that had formed between her brows. “You’ll be wonderful, I’m sure.”

The sound of children’s voices in the hall met his ears, and he slipped the paper with her number into his pocket. “So, I’ll give you a call, but seriously, I can come almost any time.”

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.” She glanced up at the clock on the wall. “I’ll walk you out on my way to pick up my class.”

He nodded, glad to have another few minutes in her company, although as they walked down the hall he couldn’t think of anything to say. Inwardly cursing at how quickly they reached the office, he turned and forced out some words. “It was nice to meet you, Ms. Carrington.” Smooth, Roster. Real smooth.

Her smile widened, and he could swear the hallway brightened. She once again placed her hand on his arm, her fingers twitching slightly over his muscles.


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