The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,77

who didn’t tell you not to say anything. I’m the one who ran off to help you without saying anything to my husband.”

“Frankie, that’s not fair,” I argued. “You should have been able to trust your friend.”

“I should be able to trust my husband, too,” she retorted, “but I hadn’t at the time. I made the decision to run off and, not only did it result in my house arrest, I got a guard…dismissed, Robbie.”


“Yeah,” she said harshly. “The man…is without a job and I hadn’t even given it any thought when I manipulated him into letting me go.” I knew guilt because I was living with it a lot these days, so I could recognize it in Frankie’s voice. “I knew nothing about him. I didn’t know if he had a family or an elderly mother he supported. I knew nothing about him, Robbie. I’m just as much to blame for this mess as you seem to think you are. If not, more.”

“What a pair we are, huh?” I mumbled miserably.

“We’re the worst,” she agreed.

I knew we were going to have to find a way to forgive ourselves, and the first step was either letting out all the poison with a heart-to-heart or a good cryfest.

“I’ll see you Friday,” I promised.

The relief was evident when she breathed, “Thank you, Robbie.”

Chapter 5


One of the best things about my sister being home?

She liked to cook.

I think it was because those were some of the best memories she had of our mother. Vincent and Mattia Mancini had been great parents. Mom had been a homemaker while our dad worked. And because Mom had been a homemaker, Frankie spent a lot of time in the kitchen with her.

When they died in the car wreck, Frankie took on Mom’s role and I had taken on Dad’s. We had made it work, and I appreciated coming home to a clean house and home cooked food. I also knew Frankie appreciated never having to worry about money. Our parents had ensured our protection by having a life insurance policy and, while the money hadn’t been in the millions, it had been enough to pay off our childhood home. In the years that followed, I had moved into an apartment a few blocks over, and Phoenix had moved into our house with Frankie. When she had run off, I kept the house up, and it sat empty, but cared for. Security was the only reason it couldn’t be Frankie and Nix’s main dwelling, but it was still theirs.

Now, knowing that all of Frankie’s classes were online, I knew she’d be home every night to cook for Nix and herself. Even if Nix were busy elsewhere, Frankie would still make dinner and set him up with leftovers. That’s how I knew, as I scanned my palm, that homemade food would be meeting me in their kitchen. Did I consider it rude to invite myself to dinner? Not at all.

We were family.

I passed the foyer, not bothering to announce my arrival. As long as everyone’s clothes were on, that’s all I cared about.

It wasn’t until I cleared the east wall that I heard a female voice that wasn’t Frankie’s. A foreboding sensation ran down my spice as I recognized the voice.

Roberta fucking Regal.

I knew this wasn’t my house. I knew this was Nix’s domain and Frankie’s happiness was paramount to him. I knew Frankie still considered Robbie a close friend.

I knew all of that.

I knew it, but that knowledge did nothing to tamper down the rage that consumed me at just the sound of her voice.

“What’s all this?” I asked as I saw them all sitting cozily in the kitchen table. The second I spotted Luca, my dark mood really took a turn for the worst. “Since when do you let just anybody in this building?” I saw Robbie’s entire body tense and straightened, but I was too mad to care about my lack of manners.

This woman almost got my sister killed.

“Ciro, stop it!” Frankie snapped.

I stood, itching mad, as I stared at the table of four; Frankie and Nix on one side, Luca and Robbie sitting on the other. All heads were turned towards me except one.

“Stop what?” I snapped back. “It’s a legitimate question, Frankie. No one who isn’t a Benetti is allowed in this building. So, I’m just asking what the fuck is she doing here?”

Phoenix stood up. “Ciro, you’re out of line.”

“But am I a liar?” I tossed back, knowing he knew I was pointing Copyright 2016 - 2024