The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,46

first blow. I doubled over, and let my body fall to the floor. I needed a second and making them come after me on the floor provided that. Or, at least, it had before the third guy yanked me up by my hair. He leaned down and slammed his lips down on mine. I bit his lip until I tasted blood. He screamed and then backhanded me until I flew a few feet towards Randy.

I jumped up, and when Luca’s ringtone filled the room, Randy yelled, “Hold her down!”

Tony held my arms behind my back while the third guy wrapped his hand in my hair and covered my mouth with his hand. They held me prisoner between them, so I couldn’t even kick if I tried to. The only small satisfaction I had was seeing the third guy with a bloody lip and the blood starting to cake all over Randy’s nose.

“Do you have my money?” Randy barked into the phone, breathless and irate. None of us could hear the other end of the conversation, but it wasn’t hard to fill in the missing pieces when Randy said, “You have one hour to get to Cedar Creek, and not a second more.” He hung up on Luca and the promise of ten million dollars wasn’t enough to cool his rage.

“Randy, don’t do this!” Robbie begged, her voice hoarse and cracked from all her screaming and crying.

I watched helplessly as he stormed over to her and backhanded her across the face, yelling, “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m going to let Tony and Eddie do whatever the fuck they want to you, Robbie!” Then he turned my way. “As for you…”

Tony and Eddie released me and left me to face Randy head-on. “As for me?” There was no way I was going to allow Randy to perpetuate Robbie’s rape. He’d have to kill me first. “As for me, what?”

He glanced at his goons. “Tie her up again.”

I fought, but I wasn’t strong enough against two men who, weren’t in shape, but weren’t slobs either. Once I was secured back into the chair, it was clear the lengths Randy was willing to go to in order to salvage his pride. My body stilled as he pulled a switchblade from his back pocket and flicked it open. I forced my mind and body to calm down, doing my best to convince myself that he couldn’t kill me just yet. He needed that ten million dollars in his hands first before he disposed of me. They guys would sure ask for proof of life before handing over the cash.

“And now you need a weapon?” I spat, trying to control my nervousness. “You’re a real class act.”

He didn’t say anything as he took the knife and started slicing my hoodie to shreds. I didn’t dare breathe for fear he’d accidentally cut me, but there was still another kind of fear. There was only one reason Randy would be cutting my clothing off.

“Maybe you’re good for more than ten million dollars,” he taunted. “Let’s see, huh?”

Robbie started screaming again, but everyone continued to ignore her. She wasn’t a threat with as injured as she was. She was just unfortunate to have me as a friend.

I held still as his knife finally sliced up the middle of my t-shirt. It fell open and the guys could clearly see my breasts encased in a light blue lace bra. It was humiliating, but I knew it was going to get much, much worse.

Randy leaned over, and with a grin as wide as Texas, he said, “You’re entirely too pretty for your own good.”

I finally screamed as the tip of his knife made its way down my face.

Chapter 19


The house looked like an old, abandoned farmhouse. It was on the outskirts of Cedar Creek with desolate land limiting the intrusion of neighbors. The only thing that hinted at any kind of inhabitants were the trash cans overflowing with garbage and recyclables.

The second we hit the city limits of Cedar Creek, Luca had made the call that we had the money, and we were on our way. The stupid bastard had no idea we were already here. Frankie’s wedding rings had led us to this farmhouse, and I knew in my heart, she was in that place.

“I’ll take the back, while you guys take the sides,” I instructed. The farmhouse was only one story, so that helped. They simply nodded, and we all got out of the car and Copyright 2016 - 2024