The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,200

He was good about that shit and I trusted him to see to Mia’s safety when he was around. Plus, I knew he had no romantic ideas about Mia. That’s the only reason he was still around in the close capacity that he was.

Fucking Justin, you’re letting me down, bud.

My irritation with Justin vanished the second I saw two guys approaching Mia. I watched as she gave them a polite smile and walked right past them. It wasn’t until I saw one guy elbow the second, and they smiled and turned around to follow her that I got mad. They looked to be older than her. Probably seniors.


I wasn’t worried about taking them down, after all, my mentor in combat was Ciro Mancini, but there was no way I could take out these two dickwads without exposing who and what I was to Mia.

Fuck it.

“Hey, there,” Dick #1 called out to her. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

I saw Mia’s shoulders tense, and it was enough to make me want to commit murder. “I’m going home,” she answered, her voice tight.

“Awe, it’s too early to be heading home,” Dick #2 commented. “I bet we could find something fun to do, don’t you?”

“I need to get home,” she stated, ignoring his question.

“I don’t think so,” Dick #2 continued. “I think you need a party.”

The second they both went to stand in front of her to block her from destination, I stepped out of the shadows.


“I think the lady said no thanks, boys.”

Mia’s body stilled while the two assholes in front of her miscalculated the odds and lifted their chins.

Fucking idiots.

“And I think this is none of your business,” Dick #1 said, doing his best to look tough.

Mia finally turned around to look at me and, when she did, her big brown eyes widened comically. She might not know who I was, but she knew what I was.

“Now, see,” I drawled out, “that’s where you’re wrong. She’s very much my business.”

“This bitch your girlfriend, or something,” Dick #2 sneered, and all I could do was shake my head.

I glanced down at Mia who was holding onto her backpack so fiercely, her knuckles were white. “I need you to stand aside, Mia.”

“Yeah. Stand aside, Mia,” Dick #1 mocked.

“You’re not going to kill them, are you?” Yep. She knew what I was. “I mean…not out in public like this, right?” I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so furious with the two asshats.

Fuck, I needed a cigarette.

“No, baby. I’m not going to kill them,” I told her, ignoring how her pupils dilated at the endearment. I grabbed her by the arm and moved her behind me. Without looking back at her, I instructed, “Move over to that bench near the tree, Mia.” I heard her let out a deep sigh, but I also heard her footsteps proving her compliance.

Thanks to Michael, Mia knew the drill.

“Let’s do this, boys,” I taunted.

They rushed me, but it was over in less than five seconds. A hit to the neck for one, making him drop instantly, and a quick jab to the nose for the other, leaving him howling in pain, blood running down his face.

I grabbed them both by their hair and drug them behind the picnic hedges. Dick #1 was unconscious, but Dick #2 was whining like a little bitch, and I really, really needed a cigarette.

Searching their pockets, I glanced up at Mia. “Do you know them?”

She shook her head and walked forward, so I didn’t have to yell. “No,” she answered, looking down at my handy work. “I’ve never seen them before.”

I pulled out their wallets and phones from their pockets. Dick #2 put up a half-ass fight, but I stood up and placed a foot on his neck. Going through his wallet, I found out his name was Stephen Pierce, and he lived off campus, a couple of streets over.

Since it was pointless to address Dick #1, what with him being unconscious and all, I leaned down and placed a little more weight on Stephen’s trachea. “Okay, Stephen, with a PH, normally I wouldn’t be so free with my information,” I started, “but I feel as if I need to in this case.” I smiled, letting my dimple wink at him. “I can’t very well pull Mia out of school since she has two more years left. However, I can’t leave her safety to question. A conundrum? Certainly. Though, I feel like you and I will be able to come Copyright 2016 - 2024