The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,186

and she had to compose herself before continuing. “He said you asked for me.” Her explanation was offered on a tortured whisper and I knew she thought I was going to kill her.

I gave her a curt nod but didn’t bother to alleviate her fears. We were two seasoned lions facing off, and I was not going to show an ounce of weakness in this room. I would handle Beverly afterwards.

“Well, Son,” Gio said, “we’re just all wondering on which direction you plan on taking this organization. I mean…to be fair, if you can’t choose between two women, how can we count on you to make the hard decisions?”

I didn’t take my eyes off Gio when I said, “Beverly, can you tell everyone why you’re confused about being here, please?”

“Be…because…I don’t belong here,” she said. “It’s a…a family meeting. I have no business here because I’m not…a part of all this.” Gio’s eyes narrowed and I could tell his composure was slipping. His grandstanding was backfiring. “And…well, I hadn’t seen you in a couple of months before you called me last week to…uh…Luca?”

Still not looking at her, because I didn’t want anyone in the room to think I was intimidating her, I said, “It’s okay, Beverly. Continue and tell them everything.”

“You called me to meet you…so…well, you ended things with me,” she finally finished. “I…I didn’t ask why because it was none of my business.”

In a desperate bid to cover up his folly, Giovanni tsk’ed. “Really, Luca?” He dramatically shook his head. “She’s been doing the job of being your woman for years and you go and give the position permanently to someone else? A bit insensitive, don’t you think?”

I took a few steps forward for purpose. I glance around the room and everyone saw a smirk on my face rather than the rage or embarrassment they were expecting. “Well, if I’m expected to set the example, then I guess all Benetti men will be expected to marry their mistresses, yeah?” All around me, males straightened and bristled at the very idea. “And since it’s apparently appropriate to parade my former paramour in front of my fiancé…” I looked over at the first elder to catch my eye. “…then I suppose it’s okay for Joseph to invite Minnie to Christmas dinner this year. I’m sure Angelica wouldn’t mind entertaining her husband’s mistress for the holidays. After all, Joseph’s been keeping Minnie for years now. Surely, Minnie deserves some recognition just as Beverly, no?”

Grumbles and protests were like a rumbling thunder downing out the silence. The older men didn’t see anything with being unfaithful, but they still had their own code of ethics and respect and would never shame their wives like that. It was the only way to convince themselves that they were still good husbands even though they weren’t.

Gio straightened and I could see anger coming alive in the black eyes that were the same as mine own. And since he couldn’t rattle me, he switched tactics. “Well, why don’t we ask your lovely fiancé what she thinks about all this? After all, you’ve yet to introduce her to us. To your family.”

I raised a brow. “She’s met Salvatore and Leonardo,” I replied coolly, but then motioned for Remy to come up. When she stopped next to me, she reached over and took my hand in hers.

I almost kissed her right then and there.

She inclined her head and showed my father the respect he didn’t deserve. “Mr. Benetti.”

His eyes hovered quickly over our joined hands. “Cute,” he chuckled, then sobered up. “Since my son is so tight-lipped, why don’t you tell us what you think about all this?”

I could feel her trembling, but when she looked up at me, I didn’t see anything but strength and confidence. “Do I have permission to speak freely?” she asked, and I fell in love with her all over again.

“Shouldn’t you be asking me that, young lady?” Gio spat, the cracks in his equanimity showing.

Remy turned to look at the head of the Benetti Family and said, “You may be the head of the Benetti Family and the Boss of the Benetti Empire, but Luca is the head of our family and the boss of our empire. I answer to him, and only him.”

On Monday, May 27th, 2019, in an abandoned barn in the middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by one of the deadliest Mob families in history, a queen was born.

My queen.

Gio’s face was red with unadulterated rage. “And who do you Copyright 2016 - 2024