The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,175

out loud before, but Sensio was nearby, and I wanted to test Sal’s suggestion that it could be him feeding Gio information. Especially, since he allowed this woman to get so close to me without so much as a flinch. Sensio knew better. Most of the time he was my shadow but allowing someone-anyone-to just approach me told me something might be off. So much for Francesca’s praise of my instincts.

Jealousy flashed across the blonde’s face, but she tapped it down and went back to trying to be seductive. “Well, a fiancé isn’t exactly a wife, now, is it?”

I couldn’t fault her for hitting on me. I was at The Sapphire after all. The club was designed specifically to get laid. “In this case, it is,” I told her. “I’m sure you’ll find…something more to your liking back at the bar.”

“Luca Benetti, faithful,” she murmured. “Who would have thought?” So, she did know who I was.

“Spread the word,” I replied. “Because once that ring is on my finger, I will destroy anyone who dares think they can disrespect my wife by throwing their pussy my way.” Her face paled. “And make no mistake. My wife will be the one to decide what is to be done with them, so…spread the word, sweetheart. And do yourself a favor and never approach me ever again.” Fear widened her eyes and she nodded before walking away.

I had just reached Ciro’s office door when a text from Francesca came in.

It was simple and to the point.

FF: Get home now! Remy’s leaving you!! Fix this!

My first instinctive reaction was to race home, but I was afraid I’d kill her. So, instead, I locked myself inside Ciro’s office and gave myself an entire hour to calm down. When I finally made it home, I had been surprised to find her there. I found her standing outside on the balcony, and she didn’t even bother turning around at my approach.

Remy had been expecting me.

“How were you expecting to leave the building?” I asked.

She kept her back to me. “I was going to walk out the front door,” she answered, matter of fact.

I stepped towards her until I was staring at her profile. “And how far do you think you would have gotten?”

Remy still didn’t turn my way. “Not far,” she admitted. “But I don’t plan on going out without a fight. Your guards are going to have to knock me out or kill me to keep me from walking out those front doors.”

Don’t and are.

Not didn’t and were.

That meant she still plans on leaving me.

In that moment, I made a decision I’ll never be able to come back from. I pulled out my phone and dialed Ciro. “What’s up? I’m busy,” he answered.

“Put your plans on pause for about ten minutes,” I replied. “I’m on my way.”

“Sure thing,” he agreed, no questions asked.

I hung up and looked at Remy. “I’m willing to make you a deal.”

She finally turned and looked up at me. “What kind of deal?”

“I need you to come with me,” I told her. “I want to show you something and, from there, you are free to leave or stay.”

“You’ll let me go?” The hope in her voice nearly gutted me.

“Yes,” I answered, lying to her face. If this plan backfired, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but we couldn’t go on like this.

Remy nodded. “Okay.” I didn’t reach for her. I turned around and she followed wordlessly.

She was quiet the entire ride over to the funhouse. She didn’t ask where we were going or what we were doing. My chest felt like it was caving in with her eagerness to free herself from me.

I took a deep, steady breath and wondered how Phoenix had ever managed to survive those six years without Francesca by his side. The idea of losing Remy was almost crippling. I couldn’t imagine if I’d been in love with her since I was seven and she left me.

Sensio pulled into the back entrance of the funhouse and watched our backs as I escorted Remy into a nightmare that most people couldn’t imagine really existed.

When we walked in, she stopped at the first step that led to the ground floor. “What is this?”

Ciro looked up at her voice and his face blanched with incredulousness. He stood up and yelled, “Luca, what the fuck?!”

“Everyone out,” I commanded and Piero, Sensio, and two other Benetti men filed out past us. I grabbed Remy’s hand and led her down the steps.

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