The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,166

became permanent, the more settled I felt.

After Ciro’s text, I got a text from Sensio letting me know that Sal and Leo were on their way up. Sal and Leo had access to Kratos, however, Phoenix and Ciro’s floor were off limits to them unless they had permission. The only people with access to that floor besides us were their guards: Piero, Armando, Alessandro, and Umberto. Piero was Ciro’s guard. Armando was Phoenix’s guard. Alessandro was Francesca’s guard. And Umberto was Robbie’s guard.

I went to let Sal and Leo in, and nothing was said as I led them back to my office. Once inside, Sal opened the conversation. “What’s up?” He made himself comfortable on the couch, while Leo stood in the center of the room. I leaned back against my desk.

“Gio’s up to something,” I told them.

“Gio’s always up to something,” Sal remarked at the same time Leo said, “I know.”

I looked over at my youngest brother. “You know?”

Leo nodded. “I mentioned a couple of big withdrawals, and he told me they were none of my business.”

My brows shot up. “Since when?”

“Exactly,” Leo agreed. “I always account down to the penny. This is the first time he has ever told me something financial was none of my business.”

Sal leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Did you push?”

“Of course, I did,” Leo snapped out. “I’m not stupid.”

Sal stood up and put his palms out. “Calm down, Leo,” he chuckled. “I was just asking.”

“What did he say,” I asked, bringing us back to the topic at hand.

“He told me he was throwing a party for his sons,” Leo grimaced.

“And you’re only telling us this now?” Sal barked.

“I wanted to find out more before I said anything,” he barked back. “I thought he was just being facetious at first, but I noticed he’s been more…distant lately. He’s acting weird.”

“He’s finding out shit about me as it happens,” I shared. “And he’s letting me know he knows.”

“So, you have a snitch,” Sal said, stating the obvious. “Good thing it could only be a handful of people.”

Leo snorted. “No, it can’t,” he argued. “Gio has someone following Luca. That’s the only explanation.”

Sal shrugged a shoulder. “What do we really know about Ciro’s new wife, though?”

“Say another word about Roberta Mancini and I will fucking end you, Sal. Brother or not,” I threatened. Sal’s chin went up, but he didn’t say anything. He knew better. They both knew better. It didn’t matter that Robbie was new to our fold. No one could talk about my family and get away with it.

“Look,” Leo chimed in, trying to defuse the tension, “we know the only people to ever know what is going on with you are Ciro and Phoenix. The women aren’t a threat because they’re not told anything. So, that leaves someone following you.”

“There’s also another possibility,” Sal added.

“What?” I asked.

“Sensio,” he replied, crossing the line again, even though I understood it. Sal’s loyalty has never been solidified to any one person. It was easy for him to think people could turn because he could be for the right price or opportunity.

“No way,” Leo argued, but I couldn’t rule the possibility out completely. Information about me and mine were getting back to Gio someway and I needed to find out how.

I looked at Sal. “Look into anything you can find on Sensio,” I told him.

“Luca, are you serious?” Leo asked surprised. “He’s your guard, for crying out loud. He’s been with you forever.”

“I need to be sure, Leo. So, I’ll need you to check the money on his end and Gio’s to see if anything connects.”

Leo shook his head, but muttered, “Okay.”

I glanced between my two brothers. “Also, I’m getting married.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Leo snapped before heading over to the bar. “Of fucking course, you are.”

Sal eyed me.

I eyed him back.

“Anyone I know?” he asked, and I knew he knew. Sal was always up on his computer systems. He must have caught the search Phoenix did on Aldos and recognized Remy in the café footage that we had tapped into.

“Yes,” I answered, ignoring Leo’s muttering as he poured himself a drink.

Sal smirked. “Congratulations, Luca. It’s about time.” Sal was looking forward to dethroning Gio and, that alone, assured me that I had his full support with Remy.

“Sal knows her, but I don’t?” Leo complained.

Sal’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin. “Yeah. It’s the girl who saw us kill Dimitri that night in Rotary Heights.”

Leo’s green eyes bugged out. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Before Copyright 2016 - 2024