The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,162


“Is that why I’m here?” I asked, bored. “Once again, you want to talk about where I stick my dick?”

“I’m just curious, Son,” he repeated. “Word on the street is you’re tied in with some little nobody, and I’m just wondering why? You kept your teacher discretely, but not this one.”

He was behind the guy at the café. I could feel it. The only thing I didn’t know was if he did it to see what Remy was made of, or if he did it to scare her off.

I planted both hands on his desk and leaned in so as not to misunderstand what I was about to tell him. He needed to tread carefully. “Stay out of my personal life, Gio,” I warned. “Or else I’ll start returning the favor.” I didn’t wait for his response. I walked out and immediately made plans to find Gio’s snitch.

Chapter 14


The ride over was nerve wracking.

There was a lot said last night, but nothing finalized, so to speak. I knew Luca wanted me, and I’d already given up the fight, but what did that mean? He had peppered me with a lot of pretty words and promises, but I also woke up alone this morning. He had left a note on my nightstand telling me he was sending a car for me around one, but that was it. It left a lot to be desired, and I wondered if I was his girlfriend or his hook-up.

Emilio, my new best friend apparently, had told me he was my guard. As long as I wasn’t with Luca or at Kratos, apparently the name of the apartment building Luca lived in, he would be with me. I had so many questions, but the only man who could answer them was missing and I didn’t have his phone number to ask.

I had to laugh at that. Last night, I let the man do things that I’d never let anyone do to me before and I didn’t even have his phone number. Even though I was on birth control, I let him have unprotected sex with me-something I’ve never done before-and I didn’t even know how to get a hold of him outside asking Emilio. In between bouts of sex last night, we’d had the safety conversation and even though we’d always used protection previously, it was still a risk and something I hadn’t taken lightly. Even if we were both healthy, there was still the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy and I couldn’t even imagine what it would mean to be pregnant with Luca Benetti’s child.

And, God, the tattoos.

When we had finally gotten naked last night, the first thing that hit me was how Luca’s body had been covered with tattoos. I’d seen a few sneak out from the collar of his suit and his cuffs, but when he had removed his shirt, his body had been a cut, honed picture of stories everywhere. The man had tattoos from neck to ankle and it had been the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Each tattoo told a story, and they had been beautifully crafted. I got wet at the memories.

Even though the windows were heavily tinted, I could see Emilio pulling into an underground garage of sorts. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed the building until we were already entering the garage. I imagined it was probably as beautiful as its name implied. I had looked up Kratos and, apparently, she was the personification of strength in Greek mythology.

It made sense.

The car came to a stop, Emilio got out of the car, and I waited patiently for him to open my door. That was one of the non-negotiable rules he informed me about when we were getting to know each other. And by getting to know each other, I mean him telling me the rules. And one of those rules were that I was never to exit a vehicle on my own. The door was to be opened for me, and if it wasn’t, there was a good reason for it. He also told me he wasn’t falling into the hands of The Son because I couldn’t follow simple rules. I assured him I could.

Emilio opened my door and took my hand, helping me out of the car. I smoothed my blouse down, opting to dress casual but nice enough. I wore tan strapped sandals, a matching gypsy skirt, and white flowy blouse. I had wanted to wear jeans, but my body Copyright 2016 - 2024