The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,151

back and I’d never seen such hate in one person’s face in all my life. And that’s saying something with how many people I’ve stared in the face right before I’ve killed them. Something was off and, for the first time in my life, I had the feeling I may have mis-stepped.

Remy wrapped her arms around her waist as if she were trying to hold everything together, but her voice was clear when she said, “I haven’t slept in two days. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering when someone is going to come for me.” She took another step back like she couldn’t stand to be near me, and it pissed me off. “Then you send some guy to toy with me, like I’m not already losing my mind, and you have the nerve to correct my tone?” Her body started to tremble, and I was fairly sure it was with pure contempt. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it, Luca,” she repeated through clenched teeth. Tears erupted and started streaming down her face, flooring me. “Quit being a coward, and just do it!”

I had my hand around her throat and her body slammed up against the wall. Ciro was trying to force his way between us. “Luca, listen to what she’s saying, man,” he said, his voice calm and controlled.

I ignored him, my eyes on hers. “Did you dare to just call me a coward?”

“Luca, she said you sent someone to toy with her!” Ciro snapped. “Think about that, man. She’s her because someone went after her.”

It took a few seconds, but Ciro’s words finally penetrated the fog of rage I’d been under. No matter my plans with this woman, no way would she ever disrespect me in front of anyone. Granted, Ciro wasn’t just anyone, but she needed to know her place in this new world I was going to drag her into. She could rant and rave and call me every name in the book when we were in private, but in public, she’d better know her goddamn place.

I let go of her neck and let Ciro push me back a couple of steps. Ciro turned back to make sure Remy was okay before stepping in front of me. I was an inch or so taller than he was, but Ciro’s presence was always known. “Calm the fuck down,” he muttered. “She’s losing her shit in case it’s escaped your notice.” My eyes still on Remy’s, I gave Ciro a tight nod, letting him know I heard him. He finally moved aside, but he didn’t go far. He stood off to the side, but close enough to intervene again if he needed to.

“What do you mean, I sent someone to toy with you?” I asked, my voice deceptively calm when I was feeling anything but.

Remy wiped her face clear of her tears and licked her lips as she gathered the courage to continue with her set-down. “The…the man you sent after me at the café,” she replied.

“Motherfucker,” Ciro mumbled, but was heard all the same.

I’d never experienced so many emotions at one time. Another first for me. I stared at this woman, tired and scared, and realized I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing with her. Having never been in a relationship before, I wasn’t sure what issue I was supposed to address first, her exhausted emotions or the threat. Since I had no experience with the former, I decided to deal with the latter first.

“I never sent anyone to the café, Remy,” I told her.

After a few seconds, her eyes widened. “Oh, God,” she whispered, realizing I was telling the truth. “He…oh, God…”

The fear in her eyes brought out a rage in me I didn’t experience often. No woman of mine should ever fear another man. I suppose it was time to let her know that.

Chapter 10


I couldn’t do this.

The second it dawned on me that Luca was telling me the truth, I realized I couldn’t do this.

This wasn’t me.

This wasn’t my life.

After Ciro had introduced himself, I had wanted to turn back around and run out of the place, but he hadn’t let me. He had gently grabbed me by my arm and led me back to his office. He had been the perfect host and had even offered me something to drink. His polite manners had seemed in contrast to his reputed ruthlessness. It had been…unnerving. But his hospitality had calmed me and had given me time to Copyright 2016 - 2024