The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,141

me to fucking prison for life.

My black gaze narrowed at the woman. “If you know who I am, I presume you know what I’m capable of?”

Remy went back to shaking her head. “I don’t know anything,” she promised. “I swear, I didn’t see anything, and I don’t know anything.”

We both knew she was lying, but I didn’t have all night to play this game with her. I needed to get back to the Benetti home and touch base with Sal.

I didn’t want to leave her, though.


I stepped towards her again and her eyes widened. I knew she thought I was going to kill her, but she was wrong.

Very wrong.

Grabbing her chin between my fingers, I said, “I will be taking my leave now, Remy.” I tampered down the desire at saying her name. “But that doesn’t mean this is over.” A single tear escaped and slid down her cheek. And like the sick bastard I was, I leaned forward and captured it with my tongue. When I pulled back, there was shock on her face, but her lips were parted, and she was panting like a bitch in heat. And that’s when I knew I was in fucking trouble

I stepped back, threw her a wink, and walked out the door. Before shutting it closed, I turned back to face her and said, “You utter a word about what happened tonight to anyone, and I’ll kill you.” There was complete silence as the door shut behind me.

Chapter 6


There was no point in me being here today. I hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything other than my meet and greet with goddamn Luca Benetti last night.

I had barely managed to eke out about four hours of sleep when my alarm had gone off and I realized it all hadn’t been just a horrible nightmare. I had set my alarm for a half hour earlier because I had wanted to walk back to the gas station to check on my car, but when I had walked out of my apartment building, my car had been parked at the curb.

My feet had faltered, and I hadn’t been certain what to do. My overactive imagination pictured every Mob movie I’ve ever seen, and it automatically went to the scenes where the car blew up when the intended victim started the ignition.

Then logic slapped me upside the head and posed the question of why would Luca Benetti rig my car when he could have just shot me in the head last night? If the man wanted me dead, I’d be dead.

What was more surprising was how my car had started right up when I tried the ignition. I didn’t know how or why, but my car had been fixed during the night and left waiting for me this morning. And the idea of owing Luca Benetti a favor was more terrifying than when I thought he was going to kill me last night.

Who in the hell wanted to owe The Underboss of Morgan City a freakin’ favor?

Not me.

Except for a couple of truancy visits, my Thursday morning had been mostly scheduled foster visits. So, it eased my conscience a bit to know that I wasn’t spacing out on the dire visits that needed my undivided attention. Because my attention had been divided.

Now, it was after lunch and my attention was still divided between treating today like any other normal Thursday and wondering if someone was going to put a bullet in my brain once Luca realized the risk of leaving me alive was too great.

Anita must have noticed that I was out of sorts because she came over and leaned her ass against my cubicle desk. “What’s going on, Remy?” she asked. “You’ve been acting strange all day.”

“I need a cigarette break,” I blurted out.

“You don’t smoke,” she pointed out.

“We need a cigarette break,” I amended, ignoring her unwelcomed facts.

“I don’t smoke, either,” she pointed out again.

I stood up and grabbed her by the arm. “We’re smokers today,” I told her.

Her hazel eyes widened in concern for my sanity, and she had the right to be. “Ooookaaay,” she drawled out. But she didn’t question me further until we were outside in the back courtyard where people sometimes ate their lunch and took their breaks if the weather was nice. But we could have been in the middle of a damn blizzard, and I still would have dragged her out here.

Because I. Was. Losing. My. Mind.

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