The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,139

I will snap your neck in two. Understand?” Her head bobbed up and down, and I gently removed my hand. She took a small step back to put some space between us, but she didn’t scream or take off running.

“Wh…wh…” She couldn’t get the words out, and she stropped tying as soon as she realized it.

“Give me your purse,” I demanded.

Wordlessly, she handed over her purse and stood there as I pulled out her wallet. I flipped it open and yanked out her driver’s license. I didn’t care about her address since I was already standing in her living room, but I studied the rest of the information.

Her name was Remy Christian, and she was twenty-eight if my math wasn’t failing me. She was five-foot-five-inches and weighed a hundred and thirty pounds. Her street address was correct, but I didn’t care to verify the apartment number. I stuck the license back in the wallet and dropped the purse on the floor but held the wallet in my hand.

I eyed her, but she wasn’t giving anything away except for her sheer terror. “What did you see?”

“Nothing,” she lied.

I had never planned on shooting Dimitri in that alley. Hell, it was pure chance that I was even in this part of the city. Someone had claimed that Nelson Sorgen was seen in Morgan City and I wanted to check it out for myself. The intel claimed that he was dealing with some guy in Rotary Heights, so me, Sal, Tomas, and Daniel had driven here to find out if it was true.

Ciro and Phoenix had stayed behind with the girls because their protection was more important than anything else. Nelson Sorgen had inadvertently been responsible for Robbie’s latest beating, and it was understood that we’d stay out of Cedar Creek as long as every citizen of Cedar Creek knew their place. To hear Nelson might be in Morgan City…well, it had been a grave concern to me.

When we got here and fanned out to see what we could find out, we didn’t find Nelson, but I did find that Russian dirtbag, Dimitri Petrov, molesting a young woman in the alley. No way was I going to go about my business as if I hadn’t witnessed the atrocity. You could commit almost any sin you wanted to, but the mistreatment of women was not something I tolerated


So, I shot the motherfucker in the head. Only, I hadn’t anticipated Remy Christian walking down that particular alleyway at damn near midnight on a random fucking Wednesday. It was sloppy, and I never did sloppy.

Still eyeing her, I pulled out my phone and dialed Sal. He picked up on the second ring. “Yeah?”

“I got her,” I told him. “You guys handle it and then get the fuck out of here.” It being the dead body.

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry,” I told him. “I know my way home.” He chuckled, then hung up.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and asked, “Do you know who I am?”

She shook her head so fast, her dark brown hair whipped around her. Even with her face pale and frightened, Remy Christian was undeniably beautiful. Her hair dropped past her shoulders, her face was creamy and free of heavy makeup. She had sparkling blue eyes, a petite nose, round cheekbones, and thick, pink lips. The rest of her was covered in a loose-fitting beige blouse and skirt that stopped just above the knee, but you could see her curves popping out still. She had full, round breasts and wide hips. She truly looked like a petite, slim hourglass. My dick twitched, and that wasn’t good. Pussy was never a distraction for me. Ever.

Yet, here we were; fucking distracted.

I stopped behaving like a fucking pervert and got back to the matter at hand. “Are you sure about that?”

She shook her head again, but slower this time. “I might know who you are, but I don’t know for sure,” she admitted. “And I really don’t want my suspicions confirmed either way.”

Something in the way she didn’t want to know who I was bothered me. It wasn’t my ego, per se. I was used to people being in awe of my last name and kissing my ass if they had the chance. I was used to women throwing themselves at me, promising everything from love to no gag reflex to taking it up the ass for me. Even at a young age, I never fell victim to the fanfare. I always knew who I Copyright 2016 - 2024