The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,127

being said, I apologize, in advance, for the typos, grammar inconsistencies, or any other mistakes I may make. Since writing is strictly a hobby for me, I haven’t looked for commitments in regard to publishers, editors, etc. My hope is that my stories are enjoyable enough that a few mistakes, here and there, can be overlooked. If not, my books are probably not for you.

Also, I am an avid reader-I mean an AVID reader. I love to read above any other hobby. One of the things about reading that hurts my heart, though, is when I fall in love with a book, but I have to wait for the additional books in the series to be released. Because I feel that disappointment down to my soul, I vowed that if I ever write a series, all books will be published at once. Nope-no waiting over here…LOL. So, if you are reading one of my books, but can’t find any other books on the secondary characters of that book, that means the book is a standalone project. Now, the exception to this was, both Enemy Series (Facing the Enemy and In Enemy Territory). I got enough requests for their secondary characters’ stories, I decided to write them. But, in the future, series books not released all at once will only happen at the request of my readers. As much as this is a hobby, I am writing these books for you guys as well as myself.

Thank you, all, for turning this hobby into something exciting and magical!



The first acknowledgement will always be my husband (unless we ever divorce, then probably not so much after that), but seeing as how I can’t imagine that day ever coming, I can’t ever put myself out there without thanking him for all his love, support and belief in me.

Second, there’s my family; my daughter, my son, my grandchildren, my sister, and my mother. They are the people who love me the most, and know me the best, and love me dearly, despite, of all they know…LOL!

And, of course, there’s Kamala. She insists that I don’t have to thank her in every book, but my love for her and gratitude for all her support and enthusiasm, claims otherwise. She’s the first person (outside my family) that I shared this dream with, and she’s been by my side every step of the way. Kam, you really are the best kind of friend!

And, finally, I’d like to thank everyone who’s purchased, read, reviewed, shared and supported me and my writing. Thank you so much for helping make this dream a reality and a happy, fun one at that! There are not enough ‘Thank You’s in the world….



For My Mother-

There aren’t enough words to tell you everything you mean and meant to me. I’m supposed to be relieved that you’re no longer suffering and, while I am, all I can think about is how much I miss you; how much we all miss you.

Thank you for everything, Mom.

Tell Papi And Tio I love and miss them, too.



The scene was a quietly violent one that I’ve seen a million times over by now. Hell, the first time I was ever in a room like this, I was the one sitting in the chair.

Giovanni Benetti didn’t fuck around.

I was his eldest son. I was the son groomed to take over his empire, his family. Sal was too much of a hothead to be in charge, and Leo was too much of a human to stomach this shit.

I’ve always known this was going to be my life.

As my father molded me into his perfect little mini-me, he was fond of making sure I understood what it felt like to wear the shoe on the other foot. I’ve been beaten, stabbed, and even shot. I’ve been starved and I’ve been homeless. My father made sure I understood desperation. He made sure I knew what made people tick. It was the only way to perfect the art of manipulation.

I stared at my two best friends I brought into this fold and had never felt prouder than I did in this moment. Soon they’d become more than just my best friends; they’d become my family. My true family.

The only thing casting a shadow on all of this was Francesca.

Francesca Mancini was Ciro’s sister and Phoenix’s reason for breathing, and we all knew how she felt about the Mob and my family. It wasn’t that she hated us, or disliked us, even. No. Francesca didn’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024