The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,125

your skin, forcing you to have to take a shower again?” She whimpered. “Do you want to hear how, when you’re all better, I’m going to fuck you like a motherfucking savage so that you can’t walk for a week?”

“Ciro…I…” She was close. It wouldn’t be explosive, but it would put her to sleep.

“Do you want to hear how much I want inside that tight little ass of yours?”


“Do you want to hear how your pussy is the first to ever wrap around my cock raw?”

“Oh, Jesus…”

Steady, steady, steady…

“Do you…” I was losing it. I was ready to blow with the need to make Robbie cum. “Do you want to hear how I hope you get pregnant?”

“Ciro!” she cried, and I got a first-row seat to witnessing Robbie’s pleasure explode throughout every part of her body.

Her body, face, and chest blushed with the prettiest color of roses. Her skin was shimmering with perspiration. Her pussy was coating my cock white. And her entire body was contracting with tremors of pleasure. I pulled out of her pussy and crawled across her body until I was on my knees, jerking my cock over her tits.

Robbie’s eyes were still closed, and she was coming off her high as I finally found mine and shot ropes and ropes of my cum all over her tits, neck, and lips. You’d think I hadn’t had sex in months with how much cum was shooting out of my dick.

When I finally had nothing left to give, I dropped onto the back of my legs and surveyed my handy work. Robbie looked absolutely stunning covered in my ownership. I reached out and, just like I told her I would, I started smearing that shit all over her, softly and carefully.

Us men really were insecure bastards when we were in love.

Robbie finally opened her eyes, and she gave me a satisfied grin. “Marking your territory?”

“Damn straight, I am,” I returned, the exact same grin on my face.

She let out a deep, contented sigh. “That was different,” she hedged.

I laid down on my side next to her, propping my head up on my hand. “It was perfect,” I corrected. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“It was totally worth it,” she grinned. But, then, her vulnerable gaze met my confident one. “We’re really going to do this, huh?”

“I love you, Robbie,” I told her shamelessly. “So, yeah. We’re doing this.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she whispered unsure. “I…I have no idea what…your life is like. What I need to know an-”

“Shh,” I whispered. “Robbie there’s not much you need to know. Just love me. Be faithful to me. Trust me. And never betray me.”

She reached up and ran her thumb across my jaw. “I think I can manage that.”

“I know you can,” I told her.

Her face lit up, and I knew I was going to live for that smile for the rest of my life.


Ciro – (One Month Later)~

She had her shit all over the place, and I loved having it there.

Robbie wasn’t necessarily dirty or messy as she just didn’t pick up after herself right away. The apartment was always tidy at the end of the day, but during the day, you could definitely tell it was lived in.

It was fucking perfect.

The morning after Spencer and O’Malley met their maker, Robbie had quit her job and moved in with me. It had taken only a day to pack up her place, call her landlord, and get her moved to Morgan City. She had gone all women’s lib on me about paying her way, but I had shut that shit down quickly. I told her she could do whatever the hell she wanted once she was healed, but that I would always be the one who paid the bills and supported us both. She didn’t take kindly to my decree, but as long as she was injured, she couldn’t really argue.

She had also called her parents to tell her she moved to Morgan City and the conversation hadn’t gone well. Her father had been condescending and commented that a waitress in Cedar Creek, a waitress in Morgan City, what difference did it make.

I, immediately, wanted to kill the man.

However, Robbie assured me her parents weren’t as bad as I truly knew they were, so I reined in my homicidal impulses and made it clear if her parents ever visited and disrespected her in from of me, shit was going to go sideways.

She believed me.

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