The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,120

to know who that box belonged to, how it got into your hands, and finally how a low-life piece of shit like Randy became in possession of it. But, then, I realized I didn’t really care. I only care that you went after Robbie.” I shrugged a shoulder. “Sure, you could argue that you didn’t know she was mine. And, sure, you could argue that you were just doing your jobs. I’m sure you guys could argue a lot of things.” O’Malley started squirming as more blood trickled down his chest. “But here’s the thing. Even if you didn’t know Robbie was my girlfriend, I know she told you she was fucking me. I know you saw my marks on her body. So even if she was just a piece of ass, she was my piece of ass. And from my piece of ass, to my family, to the man who picks up my garbage once a week, to my fucking paperboy, if they are mine, you stay the fuck away from what is mine!”

I was so incensed by the time I was done with my little rant, I lost all sense of finesse as I yanked the Pear out of Spencer’s mouth and ripped the Fork from around O’Malley’s neck. Spencer couldn’t talk because his jaw was broken and the lower half hung like a grotesque marionette, but O’Malley was still trying to talk around his gag. I decided to remove it, because why the hell not?

As soon as it came off, he couldn’t talk fast enough. “It wasn’t like that,” he insisted. “We like Robbie.”

I stormed over to the tray, grabbed two ice picks and stabbed O’Malley in between his ribs, making sure to avoid any major organs or arteries, lest he bleed out too soon or die of cardiac arrest.

He screamed.

I didn’t give a fuck.

“Bullshit me again, or I’ll keep you here for fucking weeks,” I roared. “You two motherfuckers are going to die, it’s just up to you how soon you meet your maker.”

“The box belongs to Nelson Sorgen,” O’Malley blurted out. “It’s his hold on the city.” I didn’t care. I really didn’t. Nothing they could do or say now would save their lives. But I still understood that knowledge was power. However, in this instance, I’ve heard of Nelson Sorgen, but he wasn’t anything we needed to worry about. He was high level in Cedar Creek, but up against the Benetti Family, he was nothing.

“I don’t care,” I said, breaking the news to O’Malley. “And do you honestly think that whatever information you think you have is worth me forgetting what you did to my girl? You are dumber than I gave you credit for if you believe that shit.”

O’Malley was silent for a bit before he finally said, “So, you’re just going to keep us here, playing with us, until we give out. Is that it?”

I smiled.


That was not it.

Fear of the unknown was a special kind of torture. Your mind ran wild with all the ‘what if’s and morbid possibilities. Especially being in a room like this one.

However, fear of the known was also something quite special. Because now you know exactly what’s going to be done to you and now your body, along with your mind, is completely enshrouded with the anticipated pain you know you’re going to feel. Making someone’s mind break was nearly as satisfying as watching the life drain from their eyes.

I walked over to my cutting board, which was just a steel table, and started preparing the straps. “Do either of you know what a Blood Eagle is?” I asked over my shoulder. “No?” I didn’t actually expect an answer. “It’s when a person’s back is splayed open and the ribs are broken in such a way, it exposes the back of the lungs. The ribs are fanned out creating a wing-like effect.” I turned back to look at my two guests, and Spencer’s head hung low in defeat, while O’Malley was pissing himself.

Even though my original intent was to hang on to these two for a while, two hours later, I was snapping photos of my most beautiful masterpieces.

Chapter 24


My nerves were so shot, Phoenix threatened to tie me to a chair if I didn’t stop pacing. He claimed I was making him dizzy with my nervousness.

He wasn’t necessarily lying.

After Frankie and I were dropped off at their apartment building, to which Frankie did nothing to hide her enthusiasm at having me with her at Kratos, Copyright 2016 - 2024