The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,113

asked, his voice rising an octave.

“Frankie and her husband,” I clarified.

Mona went all fangirl with that information. “Oh, my God!” she squealed. “You met Phoenix Fiore?”

“Down girl,” I instructed.

“Do not ‘down girl’ me, Robbie,” she squawked. “We’re talking Phoenix Fiore here.”

Teddy winced. “Even I gotta admit, the idea leaves me a bit starstruck too,” he joined in.

“Well, there’s not much to tell you guys,” I told them. “He kind of just brooded on the side as Frankie fussed over me. It’s not like me and the man are friends.”

“Is he as good-looking as they say?” Mona tittered. “I mean, there are a few pictures of him on the internet, but they’re never good quality, or they’re too far away.”

Finally, something I didn’t have to lie about. “He’s gorgeous, Mona,” I admitted. “It almost hurts to look at the man.”

Teddy rolled his eyes. “I was hoping this conversation was going to be action packed about murders and drug smuggling,” he said sardonically. “I didn’t know we were going to venture into girl talk about how hot he is.”

“Sorry, Teddy,” I chuckled and then hissed in pain.

“Ouch,” he rushed out and went to reach for me. “You okay?”

“As long as you don’t make me laugh,” I replied smiling.

“What else do you need?” Mona asked. “We can do some laundry or clean up, if you’d like?”

My mind went to my bedroom and the mess I had left, and as much as I’d love the help, I didn’t know how to explain that mess away, so I declined. “No, I’m good. The food was really sweet and will be a big help.”

“Well, we have two hours to kill,” Teddy declared. “We’re going to feed you and bullshit with you before we have to start our shift.”

“If I could hug you, I would,” I told him. “You guys are lifesavers.”

The next couple of hours were spent catching up on gossip from the first month I was out of work and talk about our favorite binge shows and just all-around banal conversation. Mona and Teddy were able to get my mind off my troubles, even if only for a little bit.

It felt nice and it was painful to realize it was probably going to be one of my last good memories. Of course, I had no idea what we took with us to beyond the grave, but I liked to believe I would still remember even in the afterlife.

When the time came for them to leave, Teddy brought me another water and a painkiller with promises to visit me tomorrow and to keep checking up on me. I was truly grateful for his and Mona’s concern, and I checked my pride at the door and told them I’d really appreciate it.

After taking the pill and getting comfortable on the couch, I fell asleep. I wasn’t sure how long I was out for, but a resounding knock on my door woke me up.

It took me a bit to work my body enough to sit up, but as the pounding grew louder, I realized it was coming from the backdoor. I was also afraid the person on the other end was going to end up breaking my door down. “I’m coming,” I yelled as best I could.

A couple of minutes later, I was opening my backdoor to a worried Frankie, sympathetic Phoenix, irritated Ciro, and a stoic Luca freakin’ Benetti.

Holy shit.

Chapter 21


If I still hadn’t been pissed that Robbie tried to kick me out of her life yesterday, I’d laugh at the shock on her abused face. No doubt, it was Luca’s presence that had her stuck in surprise.


She turned her head to face Frankie. “Huh?”

“Are you okay?” And then Frankie quickly realized how stupid that question was. “I mean…I know you’re not okay, but is it okay if we came inside?”

I could see Robbie grimace. It could be from pain, but I was pretty sure it was because, while she might want to invite Frankie in, she didn’t want the rest of us here.

After I left the hospital last night, I hadn’t gone directly back to Morgan City. Frankie and Nix had gone back home in their car but I had stayed behind. I had called Marco and asked him where he was. The sonofabitch had lied and told me he was sitting in front of Robbie’s house and when I drove by, I could see that he wasn’t. And if you were going to lie to me, I had no qualms about lying to you. I Copyright 2016 - 2024