The Holy Ghost - M.E. Clayton Page 0,38

would comply; I knew she would.

I ate her pussy until my dick started to come back to life which, to make up for the earlier eruption, was rather quickly. I stood behind her and, grabbing her hips, I slammed my cock into her tight sheathe, and even though there was some slight discomfort on both our parts, I still knew I’d fuck this girl until my dick fell off if I could.

I reached up, grabbed Frankie by her hair, and pulled her up until her body was bowed and my lips were next to her right ear. “This is what I want every fucking day, Frankie,” I demanded between thrusts. “I want my dick buried in your tight cunt at least once a fucking day.”

“Yeah?” Her hands white-knuckled on the back of the couch. “What’s in it for me?” she taunted.

“You want to know what’s in it for you?” I asked as my hand pulled at her hair painfully. I leaned back and held still as I aimed a perfect drop of spit onto that puckered hole of hers. As soon as it landed, I took my left hand off her hip and worked a finger inside her ass. She moaned like a whore and I double penetrated her two tight cockholes. “That’s what’s in it for you,” I growled as I pulled her hair tighter. “Spread your legs for me and I’ll fuck you every day like a dirty slut, baby.”

Frankie started pushing back, really begging for it. “Phoenix, please…”

“Marry me, Frankie,” I commanded. “Marry me willingly.” I slammed into her so hard, I had to remove my fingers from her ass and my hand from her hair. I grabbed onto her hips and forced my dick into her hot heat as far as I could go. I bottom out in her womb and I didn’t give not one fuck how painful it was for either of us. “Marry me, Frankie,” I chanted. “Fucking marry me.”

Frankie screamed towards the ceiling as her entire body shook in ecstasy. “Yes!” She came all over my dick, but I refused to show her mercy. If Frankie refused to believe my words of love, I was going to show her with my body. I slammed into her body until she was screaming my name in pain instead of pleasure.

“Tell me you love me,” I demanded. “Tell me, Francesca.”

“Stop, Phoenix,” she begged. “Oh, God…”

I felt the tightening of her pussy as she trailed off. She was going to cum again, but not before I got what I wanted. “Tell me,” I grunted.

“I love you!” Frankie screamed it so loud, I wasn’t completely sure her brother or Luca wouldn’t come running to see if we were killing each other. She finally started convulsing and, only then, did I allow myself to empty inside her womb.

The living room was silent except for Francesca’s sobs. I leaned down and pressed my lips against her dewy skin. She cried while I repeated those three little words over, and over again against her back.

She cried, but she didn’t push me away.

Chapter 16


Francesca Elena Mancini Fiore.

That was my new name.

I was married and the ceremony had been just as Luca said it would be. We had a priest in good standing with the church perform the ceremony, with Ciro giving me away, Massimo standing in as Phoenix’s Best Man-hospital gown and all-and Luca standing as my-hand to God-my Maid-of-Honor.

The entire thing lasted but a few minutes as Phoenix insisted that we exchange traditional vows, including the part where I vowed to obey the jackass, yet his vows were void of that particular instruction.

But what had really surprised the hell out of me was how there were only rings for me, but not Phoenix. When he explained that no Made Men wore rings for safety reasons, I almost threw my set of diamonds at him. I knew the reasoning was logical, but I couldn’t help but feel offended that he wouldn’t be wearing a wedding ring. I had been about to give him the what for when he showed me his palm and, freshly tattooed inside his ring finger, was a picture of a miniature church. However, the steeple didn’t have a traditional cross on the top. No. If you looked closely, it was the letter ‘F’. And as Phoenix stuck his palm in my face, all I could think about were those stupid rumors Robbie had told me about.

These fools really did refer to me as their church.

Good God.

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