Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,39

barely focus up on him…

“Lillian? Lillian are you ok?” his voice was urgent…

Trying to focus up onto his face…I think it was Sebastian.

Where did he come from?

“What happened?” I managed and the pain shot through my head straight into my vision. Fuck this hurt. The blur and stars swarmed my head.

“Were you shot Lillian?” His voice was urgent and pleading. His hands ran up and down my body.

“I don’t think so?” I whispered…speaking was hurting and difficult.

“My head!” I rasped in pain.

He pulled my up into his arms, as I couldn’t manage to do it myself. Cradling me into his body, my head laid slack in his hold. Shit, he trembled in fear? What the hell was going on!

Looking thru his hold, the cops were everywhere, and the chaos that followed; had me in a panic. The Sirens were blaring and the lights were blinding.

I heard a piercing scream from behind Sebastian…

It was Brady!

“I need an ambulance…She’s been shot!”

In a panic, I tried to see…fighting in Sebastian’s hold. Damn his grip was like steal.

Sebastian felt my need, and broke his tight hold to me…

Panic had me frozen.

Brady held Sam in his arms.

The blood was everywhere.

My eyes were wide and burning…I suspected that I was crying, but couldn’t feel the tears fall.

“I’ve got you Lillian, it’s ok.” He voice became watered in my head.

The vision of my sister’s body limp and being pulled from my home, enveloped me. The thick smoke stole my vision. Just like that, the full panic attack took hold, as I blacked out.

Chapter 7

The smell of freesia wafted thru my nose. Turning down the hall, Alison was laughing and giggling, as our Boston terrier chased her relentlessly. He wanted the balloon she was pulling behind through the air.

“Ally!” I called out to her. She didn’t hear me and disappeared from view. Smiling, I was standing in the family room. All the widows and patio doors were open. Looking to the wall of open doors, I took in the scent of the freesia that was in full blown on the stone patio.

Ally’s voice echoed thru the house. Her giggles were infectious…she was only five and full of life

“Lilly…Lilly! She laughed, jumping into my arms.”

“Protect me Lilly!”

Holding her, I felt like I was free.

“I’ll always protect you Ally…always!”

“I love having you for a sister Lilly…I want to be just like you when I grows up!” She smiled looking up into my eyes…her beautiful brown eyes, and her soft blonde ringlets bounced and swayed, as I spun her around in my arms.

“And I love you Ally!” I pulled her tight and my tears fell quick, “you are my everything Ally!” The connection to my baby sister had my body crying. I missed her so much. I adored her.

“Lilly…”She giggled, “I thought I was your heart Lilly?” She spoke quizzically as a child would.

“You are my heart Ally.” Complete truth. She was so much more than just my little sister. She was the piece of me, which I hid from the world.

My vulnerability.

Her loss hit me hard. I knew this wasn’t real, but wanted to be lost in the fantasy.

“You look sad Lilly?” her small hand touched my wet cheek. I smiled nuzzling her nose. “I’m not sad silly, I just miss you.”

“Good…I don’t like to see you sad Lilly!”

Squirming out of my arms, her little feet hit the floor. Off she went running, jack our dog followed in pursuit.

“Lilly will stomp you jack! I’m her heart, she will get you!” she yelled laughing down the hall.

The room suddenly darkened, and I turned to the windows, the wind was thick, the sky now dark. Panicked, I turned back to the house searching for Ally.

The furniture gone…the walls blackened and ash covered. The smoke lingered, as I raised my sight up the dark threatening sky. The roof gone, and the thunder rolled thru the darkness. I stood paralyzed.

“Ally!” I screamed out and again…my cry would go UN answered.

The pain and weight on my chest, was unbearable, and I dropped to the floor closing my eyes.


Her name lingered around me. Both the weight of my grief, and the emptiness that consumed my heart was as thick as the blacken ash settling on my skin.


“Lillian!” a male voice pulled me from the ashes… “Lillian wake up!”

My eyes were heavy and the tears pooling; I had to blink a few time to clear my vision. Trying to focus, I was greeted by a man’s bare chest, as I was being held into it. Heavy arms

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