Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,30

wasn’t all that bad. “I thought I had a really …really good dream. I was horny last night, but I knew I was too drunk for anything, so I made sure I came home and alone.” I found myself amused.

He was still shocked, absorbing my words as he lifted off me, pulling himself free from my center. The moment he left my body, I suddenly felt empty and missing his body in mine. This was fucked up to say the least.

I watched him as he appeared frustrated, and pulled his pants on. I didn’t understand what had him all flustered.

“You’re on birth control…please tell me you are?” he perched his hands on his hips looking to the ground. Wow, he looked like he had just paled several shades.

“Yes, not that you had the sense to ask earlier. Most men at least ask before they spill into a woman Charlie!” Ok, I was acting a bit like a bitch, but it was true. You don’t just spill into a woman without asking.

“Normally, I would. Nor do I have sex with a woman raw…” he offered annoyed with himself.

“Nor do I Charlie. I was a bit surprised this morning to what I thought might have been…well, clearly was.” I sat up and wrapped my robe. “I was sure there was no possible way. I thought it was no more than my drunk and stooper dreaming. You are or were an off Limit. And, I’m very committed to my off limits Charlie…however, I have no explanation for last night. I know I came to bed and my bed alone.” I emphasized the alone part. Looking up at him, his expression changed, boasting a devious grin.

“You are correct. I fear this may have been completely my fault.” He looked to me still grinning. That devious look in his eyes, said it all. He wasn’t in the least upset. If anything he almost looked proud.

“How so?” I was really interested in what he had to say.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked to the floor.

“Last night, the bartender…well, I thought her to be what you refer to as a “one Nighter”, we both dropped some ecstasy. By the time, we got back here. I had taken a phone call and she headed for the room. When I was done, I forgot which room was which and followed the trail of clothing thinking it was hers.” Pausing he breathed in and laughed, shaking his head “Did you know you talk in your sleep?” Charlie rose a brow in the sexiest manor. Grinning he waited on my response.

“Nope…I didn’t as I wouldn’t have ever had anyone to witness it. I don’t allow for anyone to sleep with me…you know what I mean.”

“Yes, I do understand, better than you think. Anyway, I crawled into bed with you thinking it was she. I was a bit disappointed as I thought she had passed out. I was about to just move to the sofa when you called my name. Then you snaked yourself up on me. I thought you were awake…well at first I thought you were not, but you said my name again and I was sure you had woken up. Your eyes were wide open.” He closed his eyes as if he was remembering, “Honestly, I was a bit shocked knowing it was you. I mean fuck your Julie’s roommate! I promised her I wouldn’t touch you.” He laughed.

“I’m sorry I don’t remember...Well, maybe parts of it, but I don’t remember. I thought it was a drunken dream.” I laughed at how obscured I sounded right now.

“I thought the sex was amazing…Lillian you are one very talented woman in bed!” He grinned. “You were insatiable last night. I thought you would never fall asleep…and don’t doubt that I was all about keeping up. I, however, woke up this morning in your bed, which is something I never do. I left when my phone rang knowing you probably needed the sleep, or what little you would have. I heard your alarm go off a few minutes later. I wasn’t sure what the conversation would be this morning, and well, the way you acted? I thought that we were both on the same page.” He paused then turned to me, as I was quiet and listening to his version of the events.

“When you came out this morning getting dressed, I thought you knew the door was open; that you remembered what had happened. Shit, Lillian, I

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