Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,28

place within me. Though, I appeared to be staring at my reflection my eyes only saw flames and blacken smoke all around me. My breathing became shallow as if I couldn’t get my lungs to take the air, they so desperately needed.

My head spinning, as my limbs felt heavy and weak, unable to hold myself up. A full-blown panic attack, my vision became tunneled and the room was spinning around me, the heat enveloping every surface of my skin.

Shit …I couldn’t shake it off…I couldn’t convince my mind that this was nothing more than a panic attack. I could feel the weight of my body losing. I was about to blackout and the tile floor was going to hurt, when my body races to greet it.

Without a second more, everything went black.

“Lillian!” the voice sounded watered.

“Lillian.” the voice now clearing.

“Lillian dear? Are you ok?” the voice, familiar, warm and inviting. I was coming to.

The scent of his cologne, wrapped my like a familiar blanket. In his arms, I could feel his chest against my cheek and his hand in my hair. His touch was tender.

I opened my eyes to confirm, what I already knew…his green eyes staring down at me.

Shit, this was embarrassing. I steadied myself and sat up. Inspecting and mentally searching, I was not sore anywhere; which meant I didn’t hit the floor. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Lillian…are you ok?” his voice was concerned.

Shaking my head, I looked to him and cocked my head. How?…Where did he come from? It was clear that had it not been for him, I would have hit the floor, and hard.

“I’m fine…How? Were you here this entire time?” Looking to him confused, he must have been in the apartment.

“Yes, I was in the shower and heard your music. I had come in just as you were about to fall and caught you. You didn’t hear me call your name?”

“No…” I must have been too far into the panic attack to notice him here.

“What happened?” He looked to me very concerned

“Nothing…I’m fine” I moved myself out of his hold on the floor, and lifted myself to my feet. My head was still light and dizzy; I gripped the counter for support. He was quick to follow me up, and his hands swiftly around my waist, steadying me.

“Perhaps you should cancel your plans this evening and stay in.”

I looked up to him…was he nuts? It was Friday and my occasional fainting spells, were not keeping me in. Plus I had made a commitment to Corey. I wasn’t about breaking any commitment.

“Honestly, I’m fine…this isn’t a big deal at all.” I offered coolly.

“You pretty much would have busted your ass on the tile floor, if not worse, had I not caught you.” He looked to me for an answer, one, which I would not give.

Returning my gaze to my reflection, I shook my head and closed my eyes searching for my center…my balance. What he was thinking? I had no clue. His hands quick and strong had me up off my feet, and cradled in his arms.

“What are you doing?” He said nothing, walked me in his arms, and dropped me to my bed.

“You need to lay down…rest a bit,” He ordered.

Was he out of his fucking mind?

I frowned looking at him my expression said it all. He walked around to the end of the bed as, I tried to sit up. Looking at him, he was only wearing a pair of drawstring pants that hung low and his chest was perfectly sculpted, ribbons of muscle, hard and tempting. My eyes landed down low, just at the little trail leading to his wonderful size.

His hands grabbed my ankles and jerked my body, forcing my back to hit the bed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I breathed, stunned to his aggression.

“If you won’t rest, I’ll give you a reason too!” His expression, full of promise, the threat palpable. Charlie’s knee came up on the bed then his hands. Moving over my body, he had me trapped. The mere size of him made me feel small and vulnerable. He shifted slightly, as his eyes moved down me, stopping at the belt tying my robe.

His head lingering, his eyes hungry found mine; it was almost as if he was looking for a sign or clue giving him permission…no, strike that, he wasn’t asking for permission, he was taking and exerting his control.

He broke his stare and lowered down to my center. In his usual speed he had

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