Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,2

my eyes, I picked up the cell phone and answered.

“Good Morning Mr. Leiber.” I answered while turning back to at my door.

He was still staring at me. His eyes on me like a hunter sizing up its prey; had my arousal peaked once more. In that moment, I realized I wanted to be his prey, and my growing need was dictating my actions.

Shit, this needed to stop. I had no idea what in the world Mr. Leiber was telling me, it was clear I needed to pay attention. Mr. Leiber only called me when it was vital.

I walked to the door, meeting his eyes; the arrogance within his grin had me suddenly wanting to play his game. A wicked grin took hold of my blank face, arrogance. I knew that game well. Laughing silently, I slammed the door shut. Wow, what in the world is going on with me today?

I needed to get dressed. Multitasking, I listened to Mr. Leiber’s comments and orders, while pulling my lingerie from the dresser drawers. Off to the closet, picking out a classic black sheath. I quickly threw it to the bed. While trying to put on my stockings, and listening to my boss.

With a few more submissive “yes sir’s” He finally hung up. Finally, dressed and looking a bit more human I gathered my things. I was not the submissive type in the least, yet I knew how to play the role and well. I did it very well when it came to playing the role of Mr. Leiber’s assistant.

Stepping back to the kitchen, I realized Julie’s guest was no longer around. The cologne now watered in the air.

Shit, I never even introduced myself. Actually, nor did he?


Whatever, I didn’t have time thinking about exchanging pleasantries or playing host to her one-night stands. Walking over to the counter I reached for my cup.

Odd, the lid fastened. I knew I hadn’t put the cover on the cup.

Biting my lip, I could only assume that the one niter must have. Jesus!! I needed him out of my head. I was actually impressed that he was somewhat, thoughtful? Please, I’m not some stupid woman, easily manipulated by random gestures.

Grabbing my cup, I walked out the front door locking it. This one niter was clearly just that as I got the impression, that he was not the commitment type. Hell, he came home with her, yet he looked at me as if he were stripping me down.

Men, such pigs. It’s a wonder why I treat them the way I do. Better to beat them at their own game vs. them doing it to me. Yes, I was a bit cold when it came to men, perhaps even jaded. You would think that some man hurt me and caused me to be this way, however, that was not my story. I wasn’t heartless, well I hoped I wasn’t. I had the privilege to learn the opposite of myself. I learned my worth. Possibly in a cruel fashion, but I learned, and I was grateful for the lesson.

Thinking of Julie, shit. She was nothing like me. She wore her heart on sleeve, though, she thought otherwise. At least Julie had the luxury of sleeping in this morning, and not having to witness the truth of her one night-stand. What an ass. But then again, he was a man, so by default he would be.

Julie and I had met by chance thru a mutual friend a year ago. Chris a friend from college had introduced us, knowing we were both looking for a roommate. Chris, was an x boyfriend, well he was something. He and I were friends with some benefits. Chris is what I would call that rarity, he was the kind of man whom had a heart. His pursuits were endearing, but fruitless in my opinion. He looked for the wounded and wanted to fix people. I suppose to some degree, he thought to fix me. We remained friends; I guess I was a bit of a sap. He got me on some level, I suppose. His introduction to Julie was convenient. They had been friends for a long time, prior to me meeting him. They both came from similar backgrounds. So moving in together just fit. Living with her had been ideal, beyond her occasional one niter’s, as we, both had labeled them. Julie was originally from New York and had moved to Maryland.

Julie was an aspiring photographic journalist, and came from a highly politically connected family.

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