Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,17

you’ve said this evening,” he laughed.

We both tried to signal Brady and Sam, but they were clearly lost in their attempts not to succumb to their desires. Chris and I again shared the same expression laughing.

Chris drove me home, and like the gentlemen, he was; he stopped the car. Circling to my door, he helped me out of the car.

Chris walked me to the door of my building and hugged me tight. Pulling from him, I looked up to his eyes. Yes, his feelings were just under the surface. He pursed his lips. I knew his reaction was one of debate.

“Good night Chris.” I offered sensing his debate. The look in his eyes said it all.

Releasing a sigh “Good night Lil” and he kissed my forehead.

I watched as he walked back to his car, and waved back to me.

Turning, I opened the front door. Part of me wished I could open up fully. Chris was a phenomenal friend, and his character was strong and moral. Shaking my head, I knew then as I did now. He deserved someone better than me. Someone that could return the type of love he had to offer. I stepped into the elevator and my resolve needed time to refuel. The door closed me in my solitude.

The ride up was quicker than I expected. Fiddling with my keys, awareness hit, I was extremely drunk.

Shit, I even felt that queasy sensation in my stomach….double. shit.

Unlocking the door seems like work. Finally, in I stripped my shoes off by the door locking it.

I dropped my purse at the entry table…crap it hit the floor. Whatever. I stumbled in the dark unzipping my sheath.

In my room, I allowed it to fall off. Just me in my undergarments. My bed was calling me, and I was more than eager to answer. Dropping down, I stripped my stockings off, and pealed my bra; dropping it to the floor. I was too drunk to bother with a shirt. Moreover, what did it matter anyway, this was my room and my bed.

I crawled into bed closing my eyes trying to center myself. My nose still caught up in the scent of the cologne I had smelled all day.

Half as sleep my mind started to drift thru the day…first to Julie’s brother, then to Sebastian. Both men, were thoroughly off limits, but oddly, the idea that they were, was tempting. My mind fleeted over the sexual tension between Sam and Brady. I realized, I was jealous only from the aspect that I was in need.

Yes, I was in need of a good lay.

Again, the memory of Sebastian hit me hard. His eyes and the one thing I hadn’t noticed then. He had the look of a hunter. Charlie held that same look that morning.

Well they might be off limits in reality, but, not in my dreams.

Oh, yes, fantasies were totally allowed.

The scent that lingered around me was a perfect aphrodisiac, and my arousal blossomed with a keen ache between my legs. Normally, I would just pull out a trusty vibrator, but drunk, and unwilling to move had me held in place. All I could picture was Charlie as he was the last vision my mind held.

Chapter 4

Morning seemed to sneak up on me so quick. I didn’t even feel like I had slept.

Opening my eyes, the sound of my screaming alarm clock, made my head feel like it was going to explode. “Ugh!” I yelled. Turning of the alarm.

Looking up at the ceiling, I so didn’t want to get out of bed. No bed was ecstasy… “Oh, Lillian you have only yourself to blame!” I chastised myself allowed, needing to lecture myself out of my stooper.

My mind jumped back, yes my dream…I must have been in serious need because my dream without a doubt provides a satisfaction beyond expectation. I was sure I had climaxed about four times in my sleep. So yes, I was fully sated this morning. A stupide smile found a home on my face. Ok, I was beyond sated.

If only reality could be as enjoyable as a dream.

I shook my head. Grinning with a sated mind; revisiting the dream seemed like a terrifically brilliant idea.

Fuck me; what a dream.

My mind still caught up; the vision of his tone body leaning over mine.

His lips and those eyes.

Raising my hands over my head and stretching out I could sense that blossoming desire pool at my center, lacking the ache of an unreleased climax.

His body firm and hard, penetrating mine; the size

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