Hollywood Triplets - Layla Valentine Page 0,44

She could do it. For the sake of the children she was carrying, she would do whatever she had to do.

Chapter 15

Curt’s private cell phone rang once.


Three times.

Curt pulled the phone out of his pocket and chucked it at the wall.

It wasn’t Annalise on the other end. He’d allowed himself to believe last night and this morning, when the phone had rung, that it might be her. But it wasn’t. Both times, it had been his agent. And he was sure it was Jacob again now.

Why should Annalise call you? The voice in his head was bitter, mocking. You were a dick to her. And you said you’d contact her. You practically ordered her not to call you. She’ll never call you after that.

Curt knew it was true. He couldn’t bear to think of the things he had said to Annalise the last time they had been together.

Did I really accuse her of trying to trick me into getting her pregnant?

That was crazy. It wasn’t that there weren’t obsessed stalker fans who would do things like that—there were—but he knew Annalise. She wasn’t the type. She had never been intimidated by his celebrity.

She liked me for who I am. Maybe even loved me. And I treated her like she was nothing.

I don’t deserve her.

He wanted desperately to call her, to beg her forgiveness. But he hadn’t figured out what he could possibly say. How could he excuse the cruel things he’d said the last time they had seen each other?

I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see me again. I’ve really messed this all up.

And she was pregnant. With his child.

He knew her doctor’s appointment had been today. Curt had felt jittery all day, wondering how it had gone. Wondering if the baby had been healthy. And had she learned whether or not she was carrying multiples?

You don’t deserve the answers to those questions, the voice in his head mocked. You walked out on her when she needed you. You don’t deserve to be a part of this now.

Curt got up and went over to the refrigerator. He pulled out a can of beer—his fifth, even though it was barely noon—and cracked it open.

He wasn’t typically a big drinker. But the beer blurred the harsh edges of his memory. It kept the words he’d said to Annalise and the expression on her face as she’d heard them faded and distant. Inexact.

When he sobered up, he would have to remember exactly what he had said to her. But right now…anything to keep it at bay.

I always believed I was better than that. But I guess I’m not.

Curt leaned forward and buried his head in his hands. He had never planned on being a father, starting a family. But now that the opportunity was here…

Is that what I want?

What if it meant he would have to give up his acting career? If it became public news that he and Annalise were having a relationship, he would be in breach of contract. He would probably lose his role in his current movie, because he would have destroyed their marketing strategy. And even if he didn’t lose his current job, he would have a hell of a time finding another one. Everyone in the industry would know that Curt Slade couldn’t be trusted to stick to the terms of a contract.

I might never get another job again.

Of course, he could easily protect his career by denying that he had anything to do with Annalise. He could publicly state that he wasn’t the father of her child—he had much more credibility with the press than she did.

But I could never do something like that. That’s so dishonest. And so cruel to Annalise.

All right. So he couldn’t claim publicly that the baby wasn’t his. But he could pay Annalise off. Maybe she would be happy with a financial settlement that would provide for her life and the life of her child. He had plenty of money. He could offer enough to take care of them.

That wouldn’t be cruel. I could do that.

But could he live with it? With knowing that he had a child out there somewhere that he would never know?

The thought of it made him feel as if he was breaking apart inside.

If I have to choose between my child and my career… what do I pick?

The phone rang again.

Curt’s heart pounded in his chest. Was there even a chance it was her?

If it’s her, I’ll take the call, he pledged, crossing

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