Hollywood Triplets - Layla Valentine Page 0,41

static to me,” Annalise said shakily.

Dr. Montgomery nodded. “That’s normal for people who aren’t accustomed to looking at sonogram machines,” she said. “I’ll make a printout for you and circle them so you can see where they are. But yes, this is definitely triplets. You say you weren’t having fertility treatments?”

Annalise shook her head. “I didn’t think I would be able to conceive at all,” she said. “I was told that my endometriosis was too severe.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem like it,” the doctor said. “Have your other doctors ever questioned the initial diagnosis?”

“No,” Annalise said. “It didn’t seem like there was any need to look further. We thought we knew everything.”

“Well, I’d say you were misdiagnosed when you were seventeen,” Dr. Montgomery said. “You do have endometriosis, but it doesn’t seem very severe to me. You said you’re able to have intercourse without any pain?”

Annalise nodded. Her head was spinning. She had been wrong about so many things. She had spent so many years believing that her life had to look a certain way. And she had been wrong.

This wasn’t a fluke or a miracle.

I could have been having sex all along.

I could have had a child at any time.

And yet… there was a part of her that was glad she had waited.

She didn’t want to feel this way. She was furious with Curt for the way he had treated her when he had learned about her pregnancy. He still hadn’t reached out to her, even though he had heard her phone call with Dr. Montgomery and knew that her appointment was today.

And I’m certainly not going to be the one to call him. If he wanted to talk to me about this, he could have done it when I tried to tell him the truth. Now he’s going to have to be the one to reach out.

She wanted to be able to write him off completely in the meantime. To forget the feelings she’d had for him.

But she couldn’t.

She was glad her first time had been with Curt. She couldn’t forget how magical that had been, even in light of the way he was acting now. She wouldn’t have traded that moment for anything.

And in spite of it all, she was even glad that Curt was the father of her babies. Not because he was a movie star, but because he was Curt. She had never dated anyone she’d felt even remotely so strongly about, and if she was going to become a mother, she wanted the father to be someone she really admired.

Curt was that person.

I just wish he wasn’t being such a complete jerk.

She finished up with Dr. Montgomery, booked her next appointment with the receptionist, and went out to her car.

She knew where she had to go now, and what she had to do.

But it was going to be difficult.

Almost as difficult as facing Curt had been—and maybe even worse.

She needed to tell Janette the truth.

Her sister was waiting for her on the porch.

“You sounded upset on the phone,” Janette said, embracing Annalise. “Is something wrong? I haven’t heard from you since you got back from Costa Rica.”

To Annalise’s horror, she felt as if she was about to burst into tears. Janette was going to be so hurt by all of this.

Her sister could obviously see the distress on her face, because Annalise saw her own stricken expression mirrored in Janette’s features.

“Come inside,” she said, wrapping her arm around Annalise’s shoulders. “Let’s talk about it.”

They made their way to the living room. “Do you want something to drink?” Janette asked.

“Water?” Annalise asked.

“You don’t want a beer or anything? Raúl has plenty.”

Annalise shook her head. “Just water, please.”

Janette went to the kitchen and filled two glasses. She returned and set one in front of Annalise, who drank deeply, gratefully.

“Did he break up with you?” Janette asked sympathetically.

“No,” Annalise said. “Well… maybe. I don’t know, actually. We’re sort of taking a break right now.” That was putting mildly.

“Why?” Janette asked. “Did something go wrong? Did you not have a nice time in Costa Rica?”

“I had an amazing time in Costa Rica,” Annalise said. “The best time of my life.”

“Then why are you taking a break? I don’t understand. Is it his movie? Is it getting in the way?”

Annalise shook her head. “Janette… I’m pregnant.”

Janette’s jaw dropped.

For several long moments, neither sister said anything at all.

A thousand things were running through Annalise’s head. She wanted to say she was sorry. She wanted to say I didn’t mean to.

And it

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