Hollywood Triplets - Layla Valentine Page 0,32

taxi stand in search of a ride home.

Once inside the cab, she leaned her forehead against the cool window and closed her eyes, wondering if perhaps she’d gotten sick on her trip. It seemed unlikely that she could have caught a bug—she’d hardly seen anyone other than Curt. Of course, it wasn’t uncommon for people to pick up illnesses on planes, but she’d been in first class, fairly well distanced from most of the other travelers.

I’m probably just tired, she thought. I’ll feel better when I’m home.

The cab pulled up in front of her apartment. Annalise got out, pulled her suitcase from the trunk, and staggered inside.

Once the door was shut behind her, she made her way to the couch and flopped down on her back, eyes closed. She felt as if the room was spinning around her.

What’s going on with me?

She didn’t feel feverish. Whatever her problem was, it wasn’t that.

She thought back over the past few days, trying to make sense of it. Had she been feeling anything strange lately and overlooked it? She had been so caught up in the excitement of being with Curt, she wouldn’t have blamed herself for overlooking minor symptoms if they had occurred.

But I really don’t think there was anything.

She sat up slowly, got to her feet, and went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I didn’t even drink anything on the plane, she thought. If she was going to be sick after a flight, shouldn’t it have been the flight out, the one on which she had been drinking champagne?

Unless it isn’t something I drank. Maybe it’s something I ate.

She had gotten room service for every meal while she’d been in Costa Rica, but that didn’t necessarily mean that the things she was eating had been completely safe. She’d had a lot of seafood. Maybe something hadn’t agreed with her.

She felt a twist of fear. Could it be food poisoning?

But if that were the case, wouldn’t the effects be a lot worse than what she was currently experiencing? She’d thrown up one time. She still felt nauseous and uneasy, but she didn’t think she was going to throw up again. In fact, she was starting to feel a little hungry.

She took out a package of crackers to go with her water, figuring it would be best to keep her meals simple for the time being.

She put the crackers on a plate and took them and her glass of water with her into her bedroom. Slowly, she changed out of her traveling clothes and into a pair of clean pajamas, and that did make her feel a little better.

A good night’s sleep, she thought. That’s what I need. I’ll feel better in the morning.

She nibbled on her crackers. Sleep was definitely good, but she knew she should also try to finish this meal before she went to bed. Doing so would help to settle her stomach.

I wish Curt was here.

She nearly laughed aloud at the thought. Never before had she wished to have a man around when she wasn’t feeling well. She would have thought that the idea of being seen in such a state would be too humiliating.

But Curt wasn’t just some man. He wasn’t like the other guys she’d dated. She had been more intimate with him than she had with anyone in her life. To be shy in front of him now… the thought didn’t make sense.

And he would take care of her. She had no doubt of that. He would make her soup and pet her hair and make sure she had everything she needed. He would fuss over her.

She wanted to be fussed over.

She took a sip of water and went to lie down in bed. Hopefully a good night’s sleep would have her feeling good as new, and she could forget all about it.

Her phone buzzed on her nightstand, where she had set it while she changed out of her travel clothes.

She picked it up and looked at the screen. It was an incoming call from Curt.

Immediately, she felt both better and a little tearful. It was as if he had heard her wish to be taken care of and had answered it with this phone call. There was no way he could have known—and yet, here he was.

She accepted the call. “Curt.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“What?” She was startled. “What do you mean?”

How could he know?

“You’re crying,” he said. “I can tell by your voice. Are you okay?”

“Oh.” Annalise laughed through her tears. “God. It’s

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