Hollywood Triplets - Layla Valentine Page 0,2

“If this was my house, I probably would have put a TV in here or something. I think it’s so smart that you and Raúl didn’t do that.”

“We thought the TV would go better in the family room in the basement,” Janette said. “We wanted the den to be a place that invites conversation.”

“You’re a genius,” Annalise told her. “I can’t even imagine the things that go through your mind when you’re designing a house.”

“I think you’re just trying to cheer me up,” Janette said.

“Maybe a little,” Annalise admitted. “But seriously, Janette. I understand why you’re anxious, I really do, but just try to stay calm. Nothing you’ve told me sounds like cause for concern. In a few months, you’re going to be pregnant, and the two of us will be sitting here laughing about this conversation. Mark my words.”

Janette sighed. “I feel awful for complaining to you about this,” she said. “Of all people.”

“No, don’t,” Annalise said. “I’m glad you’re telling me. And I got used to the idea that I won’t be having kids long ago.”

“What about men?” Janette asked. “Is there anyone new in your life?”

Annalise laughed. “Of course not,” she said. “It’s a miracle if I get a second date, Janette. You know that.”

“Well, it shouldn’t be,” Janette said. “You’re awesome, Annalise. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”

“Not getting to have sex is kind of a dealbreaker for a lot of guys,” Annalise said.

“You still haven’t even tried it?”

“You’d know if I had,” Annalise said. “You would be the first person I called.”

“I know the doctor said it might be painful for you,” Janette said. “But I still think you should give it a try. He only said it might be painful, and with the right guy—”

“You think it would hurt less if I loved the guy?” Annalise asked dubiously.

“No,” Janette said. “But I think the right guy would be willing to go slow, and to stop if you didn’t like it and do other things with you instead.”

Annalise shook her head. “The problem is, I’ve never met a guy I’m willing to be that vulnerable with,” she said. “It’s hard enough to have sex with someone for the first time, but when you know going in that you’re going to be weird about it and that it might really hurt… I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s worth it.”

“It definitely is,” Janette said. “You’re missing out, Annalise.”

“Well, of course you think so,” Annalise said. “You’ve got Raúl.”

“It’s not just because of Raúl,” Janette said. “It’s not like I was a virgin before I got married. You know that. Sex can be a lot of fun, and I don’t like to think of you missing out.”

Annalise shrugged. “Honestly, it’s not that big a deal to me,” she said.

She’d been a virgin by circumstance at seventeen, having not yet met any guys she wanted to sleep with, and when the doctor had warned her that her condition would likely make intercourse painful, it had been much less devastating to her than the news that she would never bear a child. Over the years, she’d simply gotten used to it.

Her dating life was pretty pathetic, but she had her work, which was extremely fulfilling. Occasionally, when out with a particularly attractive or intriguing man, she did think about what it might be like if she felt free to pursue a long-term relationship with him. But she knew that at some point she would have to have the conversation about her physical restrictions, and that was sure to send any guy running.

She took her sister’s hand. “You shouldn’t be worrying about me right now,” she said. “My life is just the same as it always is, but you’re at a really exciting place right now, and you should be enjoying that.”

“It helps me to have a distraction,” Janette confessed.

Annalise laughed. “Well, if my sad romantic life helps you, then I’m glad. At least it’s doing someone some good.”

“You should let me fix you up,” Janette said. “Raúl has some really nice friends.”

“No,” Annalise said. “Honestly, I’m happy as I am, Janette. I know my life is missing some stuff, but I don’t feel like anything is lacking.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure,” Annalise assured her sister.

The truth was that it would just be too embarrassing to go out with one of Raúl’s friends, knowing that it almost certainly wouldn’t work out. What if the guy wanted to confide in Raúl about her? The idea of her brother-in-law talking about

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