Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,8

the agency by next summer. You’ll see stars left and right ditch their agents to come on board to be repped by Merriman Smith.” She bent and removed her remaining shoe so she stood on balanced feet.

Rhett made an instant decision. He reached over and pushed the stop button.

“How about coming to work as my personal assistant?”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Surely, you’ve heard of those. Big movie stars pay people to make their lives easier. You know, book their appointments, walk their dogs, do the general go-fer thing.”

“You’re joking. You—”

“I’m not. My sister’s been my assistant for a long time, but she’s too busy right now. I need someone for several months. Maybe even longer, depending upon Carreen’s situation. She does everything for me from making dental appointments to setting up photo shoots and interviews. You would plan every aspect of my life to make things simple for me. Tell me where to be and what to do. I’ll be yours.”

Cassie’s eyes lit up. “What does it pay?”

Rhett grinned, knowing she was hooked. “Does it matter?”

She beamed at him. ”Not really. When can I start?”

“This afternoon?”

Cassie gulped. “Okay—but I need to let Merriman Smith know I’m no longer available. And get cleaned up. Go see Manny. He won’t need any notice. We’re all over the news by now. He knows exactly where I’ve been. He can just fire my butt.”

Rhett laughed. “That’s okay, I was teasing. Starting tomorrow morning will be fine.” He hesitated a moment. “You’ll really do it?”

The smile she gave him let him see into her heart.

“I will be the best personal assistant you ever had for however long you need me. Your sister loves you and probably has indulged you. I, on the other hand, will always tell you the rock-solid truth. And I’m bossy as hell. You’ll have to toe the line, Corrigan. No star tantrums, no star behavior. Save that for all non-assistant personnel. We’ll have a courteous yet professional relationship. You won’t be sorry.”

Cassie hit the panel, and the car began moving again. The doors opened, and she started out the doors. Rhett hooked her arm and pulled her back in.

“You ride back down.”

She frowned. “I need to explain things. Remember, part of my honest, follow-through personality.”

“You’re my employee now. Do as I say. I’ll handle Irv. You go quit Manny. Or get fired. Got any paper since your phone’s on the blink?”

Cassie dug through her purse and found paper and pen. Rhett scrawled his address and gate code.

She eyed him. “You seriously don’t want my resume? You don’t want to check my references?”

“Call me foolish but I trust you.”

Cassie eyed him speculatively. “I could be a stalker. I could’ve deliberately rammed your car to meet you. Or now I could sell your address and code on eBay to the highest bidder. Even offer tours to tourists.”

He grinned. “Nah. You’re too honest. You have an open face. Besides, I have three sisters. I read women well.”

Cassie cocked her head and studied him a moment. “I’ll bet you do.”

Rhett stepped out of the elevator. He couldn’t seem to stop smiling as he walked down the hall and interrupted Julie’s typing.

“Back so soon, Handsome?”

“I just hired Cassie Carroll to be my personal assistant. She was on her way up to her interview with Irv.”

Julie chuckled. “Stole her from under his nose, huh? She must be good.”

“I think she will be.” Rhett laughed as he pulled out his cell. “All I need to do now is call an Uber to get home since Cassie just totaled my car.”

Julie burst out laughing.


Cassie nervously pulled into Rhett’s Brentwood neighborhood. She was driving a standard, which had been a disaster in the making. She didn’t even know rental companies had standards anymore. The car was a loaner from her insurance company, which probably wouldn’t stay her insurance company much longer. After she talked to her agent and told him she’d totaled Rhett Corrigan’s car, she thought the man would turn her in as some domestic terrorist sent to prey on America’s Most Beloved Sex Symbol.

She circled the block for the third time. She didn’t want to be too early. Finally, she pulled up to the iron gates. Cassie could barely glimpse the house from the road. She rolled the window down and punched in the code Rhett provided yesterday. The gates slowly folded back and the rental lurched through after stalling twice.

Her stomach had an entire Olympic gymnastics team holding practice there. The flips and flops almost had her nauseous.

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