Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,57

was that—and not jealousy. He enjoyed having Cassie around, not merely to bounce ideas around but to talk to. She was sharp as a tack, well read, and was a huge trivia buff on movies from the 1940s to the present. Every conversation had piqued his interest and he found himself learning something new.

He grinned, knowing how she put him in his place. Cassie Carroll would never let his ego get the better of him.

Rhett realized how, in a short time, Cassie pushed him to be his best—from their early morning runs to his career, she challenged him to attain a level of excellence.

He knew he’d been coasting through life, first as a model and then action star. He’d also slid through relationships with women. Being around Cassie, though, made him want to be a better man, a better actor, and a better friend. It hit him that Cassie was the kind of woman he wanted to settle down with. Share his life. Raise a family. Cassie wouldn’t let him get away with any shit—and he liked that.

In an instant, Rhett realized that he wanted to be with this one woman. Make a commitment to her. Start a life together without waiting another moment.

Randi would be home in a couple of days but Rhett couldn’t wait that long. He would jump on a plane and end things with Randi tonight. Get his key back. Change the gate and alarm codes. Start over.

With Cassie.

Rhett pulled out his phone and booked the trip that would change his life. He’d be back early tomorrow morning by taking the red eye—and begin a new, better life with Cassie in it.

His passport stayed in his glove compartment and he didn’t need any luggage. He looked at Mimi.

“Something’s come up. I’ve got to miss dinner tonight but I want you to keep the plans intact. It’ll be a nice night out for the Whittakers, away from their kids, and they can screen the movie after dinner.” Of course thinking about it, he realized Jolene would be entertainment enough.

Rhett had enough time to make it to LAX and grab a paperback for the flight. Maybe Stuart Woods or Harlan Coben had something new out.

Traffic wasn’t bad for a Saturday afternoon. He made decent time, blaring Tom Petty’s Greatest Hits and singing along since he was in such a good mood.

After parking, he picked up a book, a pack of gum, and a bottled water. He left his ballcap and aviator glasses on as he walked down the terminal to the security checkpoint. He was glad since 9/11 that the paparazzi couldn’t hang out in the gate area. He hated being ambushed after a long flight.

Despite his attempt at a low profile, two people in line recognized him. Rhett declined to selfie but gave both an autograph. Then he saw Ramon La Pearl approaching, camera in hand, cell phone pressed to his ear. The sleazebag must live at the airport. Rhett knew he couldn’t avoid him.

“Rhett Corrigan!” the photographer boomed as he pocketed his cell phone. Heads immediately turned in Rhett’s direction as the line shuffled forward.

“Care to make any comment?” La Pearl called out as he snapped Rhett’s picture.

Rhett shook his head and pulled out his passport. Three more people and he would clear the area.

“Why are you breaking up with Randal James, Corrigan? She’s a hottie with a lottie. And who’s the copper-headed ponytail chick? She doesn’t look like your usual type.”

Rhett froze. What was La Pearl talking about?

The photographer’s smirk told Rhett he was being blindsided but he couldn’t think. It was as if his mind had turned to mush.

“You haven’t heard, have you?” La Pearl scrolled through his phone and closed the distance between them. Holding it up, Rhett ducked under the barrier, drawn to the man.

La Pearl handed the phone to him. Rhett saw it cued up to the E! News entertainment site. The headline screamed “Rhett Corrigan dumps Playmate Randi James”. Rhett skimmed the few lines. His heart stopped at a picture of Cassie labeled “Corrigan’s New Cutie”.

Where had they gotten this info? Only Cassie and Carreen knew of his plans to end his relationship with Randi and neither would have breathed a word. The picture of Cassie had to be from today. Rhett had seen her in the same outfit this morning as she and Jolene left for their shopping date with Melanie Cameron.

“Boy, Corrigan, letting the media end a relationship for you takes the cake.”

Rhett was tempted to slam his

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