Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,25

‘cause I’m beautiful Darin Hart?”

“He’s even better looking in person. I didn’t think that was possible until Ken Cameron arrived. In person, the guy takes your breath away.”

“Ken Bedroom Eyes Cameron? Cassie, you’re living the high life. He’s one you better not turn down if he asks. Quit your job, girlfriend, if the Cameron Man comes calling. Schlepping around for Rhett Corrigan isn’t worth it if Dreamy Ken has a hankering for you.”

“Ken was pretty awesome looking. He’s very nice and pretty funny—even while talking about his wife.”

Jolene rolled her eyes. “Oh. Didn’t know Ken Doll was married. Too bad.”

Cassie continued. “The guy I like the most is Rhett’s best friend from kindergarten. His name’s Breck O’Dell. He’s a stuntman who lives with Rhett.”

Jolene put down her mascara wand. “Oh, no. My gaydar went off. Please, God, don’t let Rhett Corrigan be gay. American women couldn’t stand the heartbreak if the number one action man swings the other way.”

Cassie laughed. “It’s nothing like that. They’ve been friends for years and years. Rhett is very generous. Breck works on some of his movies but he also does his own thing. He showed me the ropes and is a lot of fun to be around. He’s Rhett’s entourage of one. You’d actually like him.”

“Is he male, honey? If so, I’d like him.” Jolene finished her last coat of mascara. “Sounds like you’ve picked a winner, Cass. He’s paying you a decent salary. So far, he seems nice. What more could a girl want?”

She shrugged. “Not much else. Especially after Manny. I should be home at a decent time tonight. You doing anything? Maybe we could go out and celebrate my new steady paycheck.”

What she really wanted to do was break down and tell Jolene all about Randi the Brat. Cassie knew Jolene would be up in arms the minute she heard about what the mean girl model had done to Cassie’s rental.

She couldn’t share it, though. She realized things would happen on the job that she could never tell Jolene. Her roommate was a notorious gossip. Cassie couldn’t spill any dirt about Randi since the world had no idea Rhett and Randi were seeing each other. It was one thing to tell Jolene about a poker party list. Totally different to reveal that Rhett was sleeping with an unstable maniac.

Jolene pushed her fingers through her hair and fluffed it a little. “I’m doing a set tonight at Bonkers. I go on at nine. If it goes well, I can have the ten-thirty slot, too. Wanna come?”

“Probably. I’ll let you know. I’ve got to go. Have a good day, Jolene.”

“You, too, sweetie.”

Cassie walked down the hall and found TJ sitting in the doorway to the kitchen.

“I fed you already.” She sighed. “You have the saddest eyes in the world, TJ. Okay, a few little treats and that’s it.”

Cassie shook the Pounce can just to watch TJ dance around. He did love his salmon snacks. She scratched the cat’s head and gave him a swift pat on the rump before grabbing her purse and keys and heading out to the parking lot.

She turned the corner, excited to be behind the wheel of the Range Rover again. What had started as nervousness driving the large vehicle changed by the time she arrived home last night. Cassie had never ridden in, much less driven, something so luxurious. The Rover turned on a dime and gave a really smooth ride. It would make commuting to Rhett’s house a pleasure.

Except it wasn’t there.

Cassie panicked at seeing the empty spot. She knew this was where she’d left the car last night. Frantically, she raced around the parking lot, avoiding broken glass and gum and grease spills.

It was gone. Someone had stolen it. Cars just didn’t drive themselves off. Why had she thought she could take something that nice home with her? She knew the part of town she lived in. Hell, she’d even joked with Rhett about it being stolen and now her words had come hauntingly true.

She dissolved in tears. Her dream job had just gone up in flames.


Rhett gritted his teeth for the tenth time in the last ten minutes. At this rate, he’d grind down to his gums by noon. Maybe he’d start a new trend—an action star with dentures.

He glanced into his rearview mirror. His older sister, Suellen, sat in the back, her fiancé’s head in her lap. Franz slept like the dead as Suellen stroked his stringy, black hair. Rhett decided to take

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