Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,15

took his picture. She doubted they would go to any place high profile. Maybe it would be some private club, tucked away, catering to the oh-so-famous rich.

It surprised her when Rhett’s blinker came on and he pulled into a strip shopping center. She followed him around to the back and parked where the staff did. He waited for Cassie at the rear door and they entered, walking through the noisy kitchen, full of steaming pots of boiling water and shouts of orders. She could smell the yeast of baking rolls and the not-so-subtle garlic that must be liberally applied in the dishes served.

Rhett greeted several workers by name as they passed, and one server led them to a table far in the back, just off the kitchen. She’d always thought of stars sitting in the prime spot, the center of a room, but that didn’t seem to be Rhett Corrigan’s style.

“The usual, Mr. C?” the server asked, his pen poised above his pad.

“Make it two of everything, Raoul. And meet Cassie, my new assistant. She has no idea what she’s in for.”

Raoul beamed at her. “Glad to meet you, Cassie. Don’t let Mr. C push you around. Teach him who’s the boss.” The server winked at her and left to place their order.

Cassie frowned as Raoul disappeared. She wasn’t used to not even seeing a menu, much less having no say in what she would eat. “What are we getting? And what if I’m allergic to it? What if I don’t even like Italian?”

Rhett grinned. “You’ll like it all. I’ve never had a bad meal here.”

He was right. The salad was crisp and cold, with a marvelous house dressing that she wished she could buy. The entrée turned out to be a trio of manicotti, lasagna, and cannelloni. The yeasty rolls she’d smelled definitely had a hint of garlic in them and melted in her mouth.

They talked as they ate. She had thought this lunch would be all business but Rhett conversed with her as he would a new friend.

“Where are you from?” he began, seeming both interested and curious about her.

“The heart of Texas. Where people still say yes, ma’am and no, sir. A place where barbeque reigns supreme and people look you in the eye when they pass you on the sidewalk and say hello and ask how you’re doing.”

He laughed. “That’s the antithesis of California. What else? Your favorite movie. Favorite food. The one place where you’d want to go if money was no object.”

“Movie would be The Usual Suspects.”

“Hmm. I took you for a romantic comedy fan.”

She grinned. “I do love them but I’m fond of the twist. Favorite food? Anything I don’t have to make—even though I enjoy cooking.” She paused. “As for place? It would have to be Maui. Even though I’ve never been there before.”

He gazed into her eyes, sending a ripple down her spine. A very pleasant ripple, which she chose to ignore.

“Why Maui?”

She shrugged. “Because it’s everything Waco isn’t. It’s got mountains and the ocean and between those it’s a tropical paradise. I always thought if I made it—if I became truly successful—I’d buy a place on Maui. My own private getaway. I’d learn to surf. Hit the waves early every morning after I watched the sunrise. Walk the beach after surfing. Grill every meal and eat it outdoors. Go down to the water and watch the sun set each night and wait for the moon to rise.”

She swallowed. “It’s a pipe dream. Something that will never happen.” She shook her head. “I’m embarrassed I even told you. You’re the ultra-successful Rhett Corrigan. You have enough money to buy the entire island of Maui.”

Glancing down, mortified, it surprised her when his fingers tilted her chin up. Their eyes met.

“Never feel awkward or embarrassed for having a dream. Everyone needs a goal. Big ones. Little ones. In-between ones. Maui is your big goal. Don’t let go of it. Ever.”

Rhett’s fingers fell away but Cassie still felt the warmth of them on her skin. He wasn’t anything like she would have thought a man of his fame would be like. He was quieter. More contemplative. He seemed to speak from his heart.

Unfortunately, her heart began to respond in ways that spelled trouble. She needed to put the brakes on.


“Tell me about my new position,” she said as she dug into the bread basket again, wanting to steer the conversation into a safer and more productive direction. She wanted to learn what his schedule

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