Hollywood Enigma (Hollywood Name Game #5) - Alexa Aston Page 0,47

know they brought the shooter here? How many times did he shoot Rhett? Is Cassie pregnant? Will she lose the baby? What happens if Rhett dies?”

Wynn leaned close and said in her ear, “Walk. Now.”

He tugged on her and Scarlett found herself led away, entering the lobby and heading toward a bank of elevators. Wynn pushed the up button and a door opened immediately. He escorted her inside.

Scarlett began trembling as the doors closed. “He’s been shot?” she asked, her voice breaking. “Who would do such a thing?”

“We don’t know anything yet,” he said, his hand tightening around hers. “You know how the paps like to provoke a reaction.”

The door opened and they exited. That familiar smell of antiseptic hit her nostrils as they walked down a long, quiet corridor.

Turning the corner, Scarlett caught sight of Dash DeLauria hovering over a water fountain, his head bowed as he gripped the sides. She called his name and he looked toward her, his face ravaged by grief and tears. His shirt was stained with blood. Rhett’s blood.

Scarlett broke away from Wynn and raced toward him, throwing herself into his arms. They clung to one another for a moment and then Dash pulled away.

“What happened?” she asked softly.

He turned toward the water fountain and twisted the handle, first drinking and then splashing cold water on his face, drying it with his sleeve. By now, Wynn had arrived and stood by her side. The two men nodded at one another.

“We’d taken the kids to the aquarium and Pier Burger. You know how they all love going to the pier.”

Scarlett recalled Rhett telling her earlier in the week that he and Dash had plans to take their children to the Santa Monica Aquarium for a last outing before their private school started next week.

“We’d had a great time, especially with the hermit crabs and sea urchins in the touch tank area. We went back to the van and loaded everyone up. Went up the ramp at Ocean and Colorado and were waiting to pull out when someone rammed into us from behind. We checked to see that all the kids were okay and then Rhett got out of the car to see how the other driver was. I heard a loud voice and glanced back and saw a woman shrieking at him.”

Dash ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “I opened my door and as I got out, I heard her yell something about if only Rhett would’ve answered her letters, things would be different. He would’ve loved her and left Cassie for her. Then she raised her arm and two loud pops sounded.”

Scarlett grasped his elbow, trying to comfort him.

He shuddered. “The rest is a blur. The kids were screaming. Rhett was on the ground, bleeding. The woman was waving the gun around and mumbling. Some security guy ran toward her and she fired a wild shot at him before turning the gun on herself. She went down and I called 911. Went to Rhett.” Dash choked up, a sob bubbling up. “Pressed against the wound in his knee. There was so much blood. People came running from everywhere. Someone pushed me aside. Said he was a paramedic and he’d handle it. Told me to go back to the kids.”

She stroked his arm. “You did everything you could, Dash.” She paused. “Erica said Rhett’s in surgery.”

He nodded. “The . . . stalker . . . she also shot him in the head. It was a mess.”

Wynn’s hand gripped her shoulder. All Scarlett could think was how serious the damage must be. Would Rhett be in a coma? Lose his vision?

What if Rhett died?

She couldn’t think about that now.

“Where is everyone?” she asked.

Dash sighed. “Knox and London came and took the kids to their house. You know how nurturing she is and Knox is a big old teddy bear. The kids love them. They couldn’t be in better hands.” He gestured down the hall. “Everyone else is in a waiting room.”

“Let’s go,” she prodded.

Dash led the way. Wynn trailed after them. They entered the small room and tears sprang to Scarlett’s eyes the moment she saw Cassie and Carreen holding hands. Scarlett rushed over to them and the three embraced, no words necessary.

“What do we know?”

Cassie wiped away tears and said, “Not much of anything. That’s what has me so upset.”

“I’m so sorry, Cassie,” Scarlett said. “This hospital has been recognized as one of the best orthopedic facilities in the nation. If anyone

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