Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet Series #4) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,25

in my ketchup.

Noah shrugs. “He has more experience dealing with crazy people than any of us, so I’m praying he has some sort of solution.”

Though it’s true, it still makes me laugh. After we’ve finished eating, Tyler arrives without Gemma. He looks at us and smiles, but he’s mainly all business. Noah explains what has happened so far and all the information we’ve learned over the past few weeks. He goes over what he heard at the hospital, the vandalism, what Belinda said, and even the large sum of money Loretta withdrew from the bank.

“I’m certain Loretta and Brittany are trying to kill me,” Noah finally says. Silence fills the room.

Tyler keeps a straight face, but his jaw is clenched. After another minute, he clears his throat and speaks up. “You need a bodyguard immediately. Someone to watch things when you can’t. If Anthony is Gabe’s, then she’d have some sort of relationship with Loretta, even if it was a broken one. Loretta needs to be confronted, and the sooner, the better. She could stop this if she’s the one in control of the situation.”

“Where do we find a bodyguard? Online?” I ask, not knowing how any of this works.

Tyler chuckles. “Not quite. I know a guy. Eric Hudson. When I was having issues with Victoria, he came down here. He’s always willing to help a friend out, especially when it comes to crazy women. I’ll call him and see if he has time, and if he does, I’ll book him on the first flight here.”

I let out a sigh of relief as Noah nods.

“In the meantime, until we can figure out what to do with Loretta and Brittany, I need you to be overly cautious. Keep your eyes on your surroundings, always have people around you, and don’t leave town. Makes it too easy for them to run you off the road. I’ll call Eric on my way home.” Tyler looks at us before standing. “I’ll let you know what he says.”

While it’s settled for now and the conversation is over, I feel better knowing we’ll have help. After we say our goodbyes, Noah walks Tyler out. Five minutes later, he returns to the couch where I’m sitting.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, just trying to take it all in.”

Noah stares off in the empty space before looking at me. “I know Tyler will do anything to protect us. A bodyguard, though? Never thought I’d need one of those.”

“Where’s Eric gonna stay?” I ask.

“I didn’t even think about that,” he admits. “Maybe a hotel in Mobile?”

“He’d need to keep a close watch on you, almost like he’s your shadow. You two could always use the house now that it’s not so cold outside,” I suggest.

“Are you sure?”

A smile slides across my lips. “Of course. I know you miss those high ceilings and country aesthetics.”

Noah tries to hold back his grin but fails. “I kinda did miss it and seeing you at lunch.”

I lean against him and wish none of this was happening. “You have to tell your dad what’s going on if Eric agrees, so then he at least knows. With all of this going on, it’s best not to hold anything back because I know he’s worried too.”

He nods in agreement. “I’m gonna try to keep my life as normal as possible so no one’s suspicious of anything. That way, if they do have something planned, Eric can help stop them.”

“I think that’s a great plan.” I glance up at the clock and toward the window. “It’s gonna get dark soon, and not that I want you to leave, but you should get going.”

Noah stands up and pulls me with him, then places a soft kiss on my lips. “Love you, sweetheart. So much.”

I wrap my arms around his neck, and he squeezes my waist. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that,” I admit.

A car door slams, and I peek outside to see Owen and my mother. Owen’s talking her head off as they walk down the sidewalk toward the front door. Seconds later, I open it, and as soon as my mother sees Noah, she lights up.

“Hi, Noah,” she says, and he greets her in return.

“Hello, Mrs. Walker. You look nice today.”

I think I see my mother blush, and I shake my head at him when he passes her. “I’ll text you when I get home,” Noah tells me with a smile and a wink before saying goodbye to Owen.

“Bath,” I tell Owen, and he listens.

“You two look good

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