Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,54

Gripping her waist again, he pulled her close, and she wrapped her legs around him.

“I could walk.” She sank her teeth into the lobe of his ear. “But this is better.” She then blew hot air onto the damp skin, and his body jerked. He was so hard, he hurt.

Throwing open the door to his bedroom, he took two steps, then dropped her on the bed. She bounced and giggled. Even through his pain, he found a smile at the sweet sound.

He began to take off his sweater and felt her hands on his waist as he pulled it over his head. She’d moved to the edge of the bed and was unzipping his jeans.

“I always wondered what you would look like.” As her eyes were on his groin, he wasn’t sure how to answer that. “All of you.” She slid the zipper down, and there he was, pushing against his shorts. “Nice chest.” She lifted her eyes and ran them over his skin. Fin swore he felt everywhere they landed.

“Not nervous, then,” Fin muttered, pushing her back so he could reach for her exercise tights.

“Not everything makes me nervous, Fin. And this… well, I missed it, and I have wondered what it would be like between us. So I’ve decided to give up and find out.”

He stripped her, then looked at her soft, pale legs. She wore pink panties. He stripped those off too.

“Are you sure about this, Fin?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Never been surer, in fact.”

She was exquisite. Not sculpted with muscles or toned like other women he knew. Maggie was curves and softness. He wanted to lose himself in her.

“You’re beautiful.”

“So are you.”

“I’d prefer hot, or handsome.” He climbed over her until his body covered hers.

She didn’t speak, just grabbed his hair and tugged until their lips met. The first feel of her pressed beneath him made his head spin.

Finally. The word slipped into his head as he crushed her.

Their lips met, and the kiss that started out soft, an exploration, grew into something fierce. He rolled slightly so he didn’t squash her, but she didn’t let him, her fingers digging into his shoulders holding him in place.

He moved to her breasts, needing to taste all of her. Licking the soft slope of one, he heard her moan and kept tormenting her.

“So good,” she whispered.

“Hold on, baby, there’s more where that came from.”

Her giggle had him raising his head. She lay there like some kind of pagan sacrifice, lush curves and red curls, and Fin felt that pain in his chest again.

“I’m not sure you should be giggling when I’m doing some of my best work.”

“Sorry, but that was a cheesy line.” She clamped a full lip between her teeth to stop herself talking. He’d seen her do this before when she wanted to speak but thought the words were better left inside her head. Fin rose up and kissed it free.

“I want to hear every word you say.”

Returning to her breasts, he lavished attention on both of them. Maggie’s breath hitched, and when he took her nipple into his mouth, she arched off the bed.

“Not giggling now, then?”

Fin moved down her body, licking and nipping, tasting the salt on her skin from the exercise she’d done before he’d found her. One of her hands drove into his hair as he kissed the softly rounded curve of her belly.

“I’m not sure I can handle too much, Fin.”

“You will.” He placed a hand on her stomach as he moved lower, and she writhed. He inhaled her, the essence of woman, and licked the soft damp folds.

“Holy crap!”

He smiled, then ran his tongue over her. She moaned, panted, and begged him to stop and not to stop. He grazed his teeth over the hard little bud between her thighs as he slipped two fingers inside her, and she exploded. Tremors rocked her body, and Fin lifted his head to watch.

Maggs had her eyes closed, hands clenched, ecstasy etched in every line of her face. The thought of another man seeing that settled in his head, and everything inside him roared no!

“You doing okay there, sweet cheeks?” Fin climbed back up her body.

“I don’t know.” The words were whispered.

“Well now, let’s just see if we can help you out.” He grabbed the foil packet from his nightstand and sheathed himself, kissing her again, fierce and hard. She clung to him, grabbing his hair as her legs opened. He then drove inside her slickness and surrendered.

Never had he felt like this, the

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