His for the Taking - By Ann Major Page 0,60

and clung to her body like a second skin.

“I want them to eat their hearts out because you are so beautiful,” he’d said.

Apparently curiosity trumped disapproval in Yella, Texas, because nearly everybody who’d been invited had come. Or else, like most Texans, they were all addicted to barbecue.

Exhausted from having worked so hard to put a party together on such short notice and from standing in three-inch heels in the receiving line for nearly an hour, she roamed the throng jamming the rooms of Cole’s brilliantly lit ranch house. Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in a while, but she felt too nervous to eat spicy barbecue. She considered going outside where a tent had been set up and a second band played, but decided that maybe she needed a drink to settle her nerves first.

Four young women she’d gone to high school with brushed past her on their way to the bar without even looking at her while several men she’d known her entire life stared at her with lewd frankness. When she glared back at one of them, he smirked. The only friendly faces belonged to Cole’s employees.

Halfway to the bar she saw Hester, so Maddie ducked into a shadowy corner to search for Cole. Finally she found him in the middle of a group, talking to Becky Weber, a beautiful brunette who’d been Lizzie’s best friend. Just as Maddie was about to move out of the shadows and go after her drink, leaving Cole to his conversation, a deep, friendly voice behind her said, “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

She whirled. “Adam!”

“Would you care for a drink?”

“I’d love one.”

“What would you like?”

“Pinot grigio.”

He vanished, returning with it almost immediately.

“That’s some dress,” he said, his friendly brown eyes skimming her figure. “You look stunning.”

She blushed self-consciously. “Cole bought it for me and wanted me to wear it.” She smiled. “I’m so glad you showed up. At least now there’s one friendly face.”

“Wouldn’t have missed it. I know what it’s like to have Hester Coleman against you. Cole doesn’t. His mother’s relentless. In her opinion, I’m the bastard brother who doesn’t belong, and you’re the wrong girl for Cole. She thinks she’s protecting Cole and the family, but in truth, she’s so insecure she’s easily threatened and excessively territorial. Bottom line, we’ve both got to fight to win any sort of acceptance here. I’ve made a little headway, but it’s slow going.”

When his dark face began to spin against the sea of people, she realized she shouldn’t have drunk the wine before she ate.

“I should be used to it,” she said with a pretense of bravery, but her voice quavered a little. “I shouldn’t care so much about her opinion at this point in my life. Mainly, I just want to know how Cole truly feels about me.”

“He’s marrying you, isn’t he? He plans to move for your sake, doesn’t he? Since I grew up without seeing much of my father, I can speak from experience. His marrying you will be good for Noah.”

“I know.”

“You feel like getting some air…or maybe dancing?” he asked.

Since Cole was still engaged with Becky, she nodded. “Maybe the fresh air will clear my head.” Smiling, she took his arm.

* * *

The whole time Cole had been surrounded by Becky and several of Lizzie’s dearest friends, he’d been aware of Maddie, who looked vulnerable standing all alone in her dark corner. Before the party, he had imagined her triumphant, dazzling everyone in her blue dress. She was being very brave, but he could tell she was struggling to hold her own.

Thus, at first, he was grateful when his handsome brother brought her a drink. Then his friend Lyle, who’d been watching Maddie the whole night, jabbed Cole and shot him a lewd smile.

“Knowing who she is and what she’s capable of, I’d be afraid to leave her alone for long…even with my brother. They look pretty chummy, don’t they?”

“Would you lay off?” But Cole couldn’t help glaring at the pair.

“If they’re that friendly in public, what do you suppose they’d do behind your back? I hear he’s been dropping by Miss Jennie’s a lot lately.”

“To play ball with my kid.”

“Right.” Lyle chuckled.

Cole watched Maddie incline her head toward Adam, saw Adam lean down to catch what she was saying, saw him smile as he put his big, tanned hand under her arm to lead her out of the room.

Why the hell was Adam taking her outside? Surely they weren’t

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