His for the Taking - By Ann Major Page 0,57

such people. After all, she’s an inferior herself.”

“Adam likes her.”

“Because he’s jealous of you and wants to bring you down to his level. He sees that by marrying her, you’ll do just that.” Her eyes narrowed. “Besides, Adam’s a man.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means he probably finds her attractive…in that base sort of way men find women like her attractive. If you don’t watch them, they’ll end up in bed together.”

Bright, hot anger flared inside him. “I respect her more than I respect the people who are gossiping about her—and that includes you!”

“Because she’s using sex and that child to hook you. She’ll use the same appeal on Adam and on every other man she meets. Did you know he drops by Miss Jennie’s nearly every afternoon to see her?”

“He’s doing that to show his support for me.” But Cole’s gut clenched as he remembered how Maddie had slept with him and then sneaked downstairs to get her letters. How far could he really trust her? Trust either of them?

“Be careful what you say about her, Mother.” His doubts made his voice harsh.

“I saw Adam’s truck at Miss Jennie’s when I drove over here.” She arose. “Enough. I’ve done my duty. Don’t come running to me when you find her in some other man’s bed.”

“If that’s all, I’ve got work.”

He hated himself when he didn’t go back to the stack of papers on his desk after she stormed out his front door. Instead, he drove straight to Miss Jennie’s, where the sight of Adam’s truck parked out front made him go hot with fury. Instead of knocking on the front door, he stomped around to the back where he found Maddie, her face rapt as she stared up at Adam. Not caring that Bessie Mueller was probably watching, Maddie leaned forward to catch whatever Adam was telling her.

“Maddie! Adam!” Cole called.

As the pair sprang apart, Bessie’s window shade fell.

Maddie smiled guilelessly as she ran toward Cole. “Adam’s been playing football with Noah,” she said.

“Noah sure can pass a mean football,” Adam said. “But hey, I’ve got to get back to work—so I can rest from all the running outside in the heat. Your kid’s fast.” With an easy grin, he tipped his Stetson and strode past Cole.

Maddie watched him until he vanished behind the house. “Your brother’s so nice.”

Tension made a muscle tick in Cole’s jaw. “I hear he comes by nearly every day.”

“Noah looks forward to his visits. At least he’s on our side and trying to show people he supports us.”

Cole was careful to keep his voice neutral. “I’m not sure that’s how the town sees it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind. Where is Noah?”

“Inside. Playing a computer game.” She paused. “What’s the matter? Did something happen?”

“My mother came over to tell me people are talking about you and Adam.”

Her expression darkened. “And she made you doubt me. So you came over here because…because you thought maybe I was as bad as they say I am?”


Her brows knitted. “You still don’t trust me, do you?”

“I didn’t like hearing about you spending time with somebody else, even my brother. He and I haven’t had the easiest relationship. He resents being the bastard son, so that makes him resent me at times.”

“You don’t trust him either?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Then why was it suddenly so hard to meet her gaze as she studied him?

“Cole, let’s get something clear. I enjoy your brother’s company…as a friend. He’s the only person besides Miss Jennie and a few of her elderly friends who’ve been at all supportive of me while I’ve been here. Several men have dropped by but…they—”

“They hit on you?” She didn’t deny it. “Damn it. Tell me who they are, so I can deal with them.” He let out a low curse. “For the life of me I can’t see why it is so all-fired important to you to stay here and expose yourself to more unjustified criticism by a bunch of dirty-minded gossips.”

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I was wrong to come back here. As a kid, I had a fantasy. I used to hope that if people here saw that you cared about me, well, they’d finally accept me.”

“When are you going to figure out they don’t matter? You’re kind and hardworking. You’ve accomplished a lot. All that matters is that you and I are trying to make a life together for the sake of Noah. We can live in Austin.”

“I know. And we will. But Coleman’s

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