His Stolen Princess - MINK Page 0,9

make a move. I watch them back as I continue down the stairs. I force a warm smile, making sure it meets my eyes.

“Hello.” I keep my tone bright.

They both give me a nod. I turn my head when a door opens. My eyes meet Cato’s before I take in the room with plastic on the floor. A man steps out and swings the door shut behind him.

His lip drips with blood, and his face has the look of a misshapen pear, as if someone had beaten him within an inch of his life.

“Are you okay?” I take a step toward him. He looks surprised by my question.

“I’m fine.” He looks anywhere but at me.

“Are you sure? I can fix that for you.” I keep a warm smile on my face. “Did Cato do that to you?”

“I did it to myself.”

I have no idea what the hell that means. If he did something against Cato, I’m sure he’d be dead.

“Did you know my brother?” I have no doubt everyone knows who I am already.

“He was an honorable man.” He finally meets my eyes and stands up a little taller when he talks about Carter. I hate them all, but it warms me to see his respect for my brother. I remind myself that this man could be someone else's Carter. That he could have a family out in the world. The same way that Carter had me.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to look at your lip?” I try again. It wouldn’t hurt to earn a favor or two from Cato’s men. Being mean gets you nowhere. Not when you’re standing where I am. You have to use what you have. Take advantage of every opportunity when it presents itself.

The door opens again.

“I gave you an order, Nico. Why are you still standing here?” Cato asks him, though his eyes are on me.

“I was speaking to him.” I say before the man can respond, and I lift my chin. I enjoy challenging Cato. I also know from the small glint in his eye he likes it, too. He likes me. He’ll regret that.

“Sorry, sir.” Nico nods and walks away. Cato and I lock eyes. A stare-off ensues. God, why does he have to be so attractive? All dark hair and dark eyes and broad everything. A devil, that’s what he is. Even though I don’t break eye contact, I notice his white button-up shirt is spotted with blood. I tell myself that isn't sexy, either. It’s a lie.

“Do you need something, Apollonia?” he asks and takes a step out of his office.

“A knife?” I smirk. He only smirks back.

I hate how sexy it is. What is this attraction I have for this man? “I guess I’ll check the kitchen.” I drop my eyes dismissively. If he has nothing for me, I’ll find it myself.

“I’ve got one.” He moves closer, his steps as silent as a predator’s in a dark jungle.

Of course he does. He’s all too eager to please. He wants to please me. How have you gotten so far, Cato? You’re showing all your cards. I already have you in the palm of my hand.

He reaches behind him and pulls a knife out. The same as Carter would do. He flips it and comes toward me, offering me the handle. “Careful, it’s sharp.” His eyes still hold the same challenge I know resides in mine.

I take the blade. I hate that he surprises me with his response.

“Anything else I can do for you, little lioness?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say ‘’die.’’ Instead I bite the inside of my lip. His eyes drop there. I inwardly smile. Another small win for me.

“Thank you.” I give a small glare before turning and going back up the stairs. I tighten my hand around the end of the knife. I still can’t believe he so easily gave it to me. He’s not scared of me. He’s a cocky asshole, that’s why.

He does also know he has me over a barrel, though. I can’t just walk up and stab him. It would mean my death. But he knows that’s not his trump card. It’s little Carter. I’m not going anywhere without him. Death would be the only thing that could keep me from that boy.

I failed my brother, but I will not fail his son. I walk into my bedroom. At least I’m guessing it’s my room. I kick the door closed behind me and fall against it. I open

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