His Royal Highness - R.S. Grey Page 0,25

to do?” she asks, still sounding bothered by the entire idea. “Julie already manages my line and she does a great job. I’m sure you noticed.”

I smirk. “She’ll continue in that position.” Then, having convinced myself there’s definitely heat behind her curt tone, I narrow my eyes, deciding to cut the shit and broach the subject I’m curious about. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you and I leave things on a good note all those years ago? You seem agitated with me for some reason.”

A blush creeps up her chest and neck. It barely reaches her cheeks, which is a pity. I’ve decided I’d like to see her blush there.

She blinks and looks away, finding a spot to focus on just over my shoulder. “Sorry, Mr. Knightley—”

“Derek,” I amend. “We dropped the formalities eight years ago.”

She swallows whatever memory flashes across her green gaze, and when she speaks again, her tone is ice. “You’re right, we did drop them. So, I’ll just be honest. I’m tired after my shift, and seeing you here…well, it’s unexpected to say the least. Why don’t you just tell me what role you’ll be taking and then you can hurry back to that executive office of yours and I can finally have a bathroom break.”

I laugh because I can’t help it. I’ve always loved assertive women, ones with tenacity and a strong backbone.

“I tell you what, why don’t we just wait until Monday and we’ll pick up this conversation again then. I don’t want to keep you from the restroom.”

I’m already stepping backward.

Her jaw drops. “Are you kidding?”

“I never kid around about these matters. We don’t want you tarnishing that custom gown on account of me.”

“Mr. Knightley! You’re not going to tell me? There are only so many roles for employees that aren’t In Character. Unless—” Her eyes widen at the thought. “Surely you wouldn’t.”

I cock a brow, silent. I pause before turning, only because I want to see her face as realization dawns.

“Cal said he was going to place someone here In Character. I assumed it would be someone like Ryan. Someone less”—her hand sweeps down my body and then back up—“important.”

I’m not sure if important is the adjective I was hoping for, but I’ll take it.

“See you Monday, Whitney.”

I don’t turn around again to see if she’s still standing there staring at me. I know she is.

A laugh escapes me once I’m back outside.

This whole thing is utter lunacy and yet I’m going through with it. I’m going to accept my fate as Fairytale Kingdom’s new prince, and Whitney will be my princess. We’ll work on the happily ever after part come Monday.

Chapter Six


Employees don’t have to live on-site at Fairytale Kingdom. In fact, most don’t. However, there are housing options for those of us who prefer it. Everything from modest one-bedroom efficiencies to luxury four-bedroom condos can be ours for a price. The twelve housing complexes are open to the Knightley Company staff only, and discounts are available when employees hit milestones. Lasted two years? Congrats, here’s a 5% decrease in your monthly rent. Carrie loves it. She moved into a small apartment near the Costuming Department right after college. Because of its location, all of her neighbors are also her coworkers—artists, designers, seamstresses. I imagine in the evenings they lounge in the common room smoking, sipping kombucha, sketching nudes. Sufjan Stevens plays on vinyl as someone reads their newest slam poetry entry. I don’t know. My nights are very different.

After college, I opted to stay in the dorms—an unusual choice by anyone’s standards. I tell everyone I stayed because there was a part-time position as a residence hall manager that I couldn’t pass up. The real reason is less clear.

Along with a small monthly stipend, I get to live for free while I help incoming freshman girls navigate the complicated world of dorm life.

Best of all, I didn’t even have to leave the dorm room I used in college. I live in the same cube I shared with Carrie. It’s charming, said no one ever.

I’ve retrofitted the place somewhat since I live alone. Instead of a second twin bed, I have a long desk. Half of it is used for normal desk functions. It houses pens, books, and a desk calendar I thought I needed but never use. The other half contains a state-of-the-art kitchen…if you squint your eyes a little. I have a coffee pot and a drying rack. A shelf, hung at eye level, stores two plates,

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