His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,86

with the drugging at her party or the damage to her car, but Pippa couldn’t bring herself to care about it, although the gate guard at her apartment complex could no longer look her in the eye and she concluded that Faridah had somehow used her charms to convince him to let her drive in. Jumal, on the other hand, was still raging about it and beating himself up with the guilt.

“So, things going well with you and Jumal?” Melina teased over a lunchtime coffee.

She blushed wildly at the memories of their passionate evenings. Jumal was slowly getting his strength back in his shoulder and the bruising was almost gone on his chest. Her stitches had dissolved and she was just left with a discernible bump.

“Ha, I’ll take that as a ‘hell yeah’.” Her friend laughed as she sipped her mocha. “So will you carry on your, erm, relationship after you go home?”

Pippa took in a deep breath. She’d been in denial over her return home during the last week. Yes, she’d booked her flight but that was it—no packing of any sort.

“No,” she said coolly. “It wouldn’t work and anyway, he hasn’t said he wants anything more.” She shrugged her shoulders. “We both knew it was just a bit of fun. Nothing more.” She sipped her latte and licked the foam from her top lip before taking a bite from her brownie.

“And what about you?” Pip lifted a brow at her over her cup. “Would you want more if he offered it, or would you still be running away?” Melina accused.

Pip jerked her head up. “You think I’m running away?” At her friend’s shrug Pip continued, “I don’t know. It’s just different out here, you know? We both knew it was a limited-time-only offer. There are just too many complications with our families. I don’t know if Matt would ever accept me having a relationship with Jumal—with him being so much older—and don’t even get me started on his parents, well actually just his father.” She let out a short humourless laugh and ran her fingers through her hair and gingerly felt the bump again. “Too much against it and Jumal would never leave Dubain. He has too many responsibilities and anyway—” she paused to take another sip of her drink “—he doesn’t want me to stay. Hasn’t asked. So it’s a non-issue.”

“I think you might be surprised,” Melina added.

But Pip very much doubted it.

“All packed?”

“Yep. If I’ve forgotten anything just bring it into the office,” she said, looking around the living room.

“So—” She let the word hand in the air.

“So—” he repeated, pocketing his hands in his jeans and rocking back on his heels.

For the first time in their brief relationship, there was an awkward pause.

“Oh gosh, I almost forgot to give you this.” She rushed to pick a small wrapped packet from her handbag and pushed it into his open hand. “Oh no, don’t open it yet. Wait till I’ve gone. It’s my offering to make sure you don’t turn into that ‘old fart’ you worry so much about,” she teased but with only a half-hearted smile. “Oh and remember, you have a lifetime offer for surfing lessons.”

He started down at his hand and swallowed deeply.

“Thank you, Pippa,” he said earnestly, hoping he conveyed his thanks for more than just the gift. She had given him so much, including a hope for his future—an alternative.

Her laugh brought his attention back to the loveliness of her face as she said, “Ha, I bet you never thought you’d be saying that to me last October.”

“It’s certainly never been dull has it, Miss Darling?” he joked half-heartedly. His smile failed to reach his eyes. “It’s been an adventure. Fun.”

He saw her face crumple for just a moment. Had he upset her with his words? He’d meant to tell her how much she’d changed his life. “Pippa, I know we said goodbye last night but—” He stepped forward, pulled her into his arms and hugged her body close. He inhaled the scent of her apple-fragranced hair and closed his eyes. Something in his chest, not too far from his heart, ached as it hit him like a blow from a heavyweight boxer that this would be the last time he’d be able to hold her like this. Every curve of her body was memorised to last him a lifetime. He wasn’t ready to let her go, he needed more time. “Stay.”

She tilted her head up and her eyes were wide.

“Stay with

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