His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,78

to take over the meeting. Malik rose and approached the front of the large oval table while Jumal stalked over to the ringing phone.

“I said I didn’t want to be interrupted,” he growled.

She giggled to herself, covering the phone. “Sorry, sir, but I have a really important question,” she stressed.

“Pippa,” he sighed, dropping his voice. “What is it? What’s the matter?” Ah bless, he sounded worried. Fool.

“So I’m looking on the Victoria’s Secret website—”

She heard his breath hitch. “Hmm-mm, and…?”

“Well, as it’s entirely for your benefit I felt it needed your invaluable input, sir.”

She watched him turn around slowly to face towards her and away from the group of important businessmen who appeared to be focused on Malik.

“How can I help?” he teased back and she smiled at him widely. She crossed her legs and swivelled from side to side in her chair using her foot.

Despite the distance between them, she could see Jumal’s eyes focus intently on her movement as his tongue licked his bottom lip.

“Well, easy part first: black, white, red or purple?” She twisted the phone cord with her fingers and twirled in the chair.

“All of them,” he gushed.

“Nah-ah-ah, naughty boy—” wagging her index finger at him “—you have to choose just one colour, sir.”

Finally he said, “Purple.” His voice was hushed and she saw him look around at the men to make sure no one was listening.

“Purple hey, good choice, sir,” she congratulated him and turned back to the computer briefly and tapped away before twirling back to him.

“Okay, next question but equally as important,” she stressed.

“Hit me.”

“Well, maybe we’ll try that later, but not yet, sir.” She thrilled at his responsive blush.

Surely someone in there would notice…

“Okay, so silk, satin or lace?”

“Silk—no wait,” he said, a little too loudly as she saw some of the men look towards him, but Jumal didn’t seem to have noticed as he hummed to himself and tapped his finger on his chin. “Lace. Yes lace. Go for lace,” he replied decisively like he was answering the final question on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

“Another excellent choice,” she agreed, disappointed that the group had turned their attention back to the facts and figures Malik was likely presenting.

He beamed at her through the glass like a child getting his maths homework correct on the first go. She stopped her chair spinning. Despite the distance she noticed how young and carefree he looked at that moment, no stress etched on his face, no family burdens carried on his back. Just Jumal, enjoying some light-hearted fun with her. How had she never spotted the stress and strain he carted around all the time like a demon?

“Hmm, next up is thong, G-string or shorties?”

“Thong.” No second-guessing this time.

“Very good.” She tapped away again on the laptop she’d moved to her lap.

“Finally…” she paused.

“Yes?” he asked breathlessly.

“Nippleage or no nippleage?”

Jumal’s mouth dropped open and then he turned his back on her and the gathered cronies to look out of the window. She could see him cup his hand around the phone.

He mumbled into the phone.

“Sorry, sir, what was that?”

He tried again, but slightly louder.

“Nope, not getting it, sorry,” she teased, leaning back in her chair.

She heard him sigh heavily. “Nippleage,” he stated louder than he’d intended judging by the quick turn of heads towards him. Not that he had noticed that yet, but Malik had definitely spotted what was going on as his head flicked comically between her and Jumal like he was umpiring a tennis match. Suddenly he looked straight ahead and dropped his head…along with the penny. She saw the disbelieving wide smile spread across his face.

“I’ll get those ordered straight away, sir. Shall I get express delivery?”

Jumal finally turned around to face her slowly and noticed the peanut gallery. “Yes,” he growled sexily and she felt herself grow moist between her legs. His eyes tracked back to her swinging legs. The fine hairs on her forearms stood up and she shivered as if electricity pulsed through her body.

Job done, she closed her laptop and blew him a cheeky kiss.

Suddenly Jumal was grinning like at her like an idiot. Hmmm. She tilted her head to the side. Not an entirely successful outcome to her plan to tease him in front of his business cronies. Huh.

She hung up and turned back to her desk to face a pissed-off Melina standing at the side of her desk with her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently. “Something you’d like to share with

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