His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,6

them yesterday on Skype. He’s so cute and has the most amazing mop of red hair. Ana had to struggle to stop George from trying to lick his face all the time. My nephew is gonna be a little heartbreaker.” She couldn’t help but smile when she thought of her tiny nephew.

Melina screwed up her face before asking, “Who’s George and why is he licking Harry’s face?”

“Oh sorry, he’s our Labrador. Part of the Darling family, and he’s eager to protect the newest member of his pack.”

“Ah right. But your friend, er, James was it? He’s still coming out here, right?” Melina practically demanded.

Pip chuckled. “Yeah, bless him. He’s got some holidays coming up and hasn’t travelled around this part of the world so I invited him over for a few days.”

“Great. So remind me why he’s not your boyfriend? If I remember rightly, his Facebook photo shows he’s a real looker and a vet no less. I like a man who works with his hands,” she joked.

“Oh yes, he’s utterly gorgeous but we’re just friends. He’s a brilliant vet too and the only one that Matt trusts to look after the horses and their babies.” She tsked herself and rolled her eyes. “I mean foals.”

“So what you’re saying is that he’s single?” Melina checked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

Pip smiled at the mischievous glint in her friend’s deep brown eyes. “Well he was when we last spoke, so unless someone has popped up on his radar in the last couple of weeks then yes, he’s still single. Why? You planning on trying to change his Facebook status while he’s here?” she teased.

“Well, no harm in a girl trying now is there?” Melina winked at her as she bit into her apple and Pip couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Ladies. Do you think you might actually do some work today? You’re paid to work, not gossip.”

Both Pip and Melina looked up in surprise as Faridah Omar sailed past their desks swiftly followed by the scent of her expensive perfume. Bloody hell, did she bathe in it?

“And hold Jumal’s calls,” Faridah called, not bothering to look back.

Pip waited for her to get out of earshot before whispering, “God I hate that woman and her new-season Chanel handbag.” She watched Faridah stalk towards Jumal’s office…correction, her fiancé’s office, in her tight black business suit and heels, swinging her briefcase with confidence. “Whenever I see her I think of Cruella de Vil. The woman is a bully,” she continued solemnly, “and I hate bullies.”

Faridah was just so full of her own self-importance, Pip thought. Her feelings towards Miss High and Mighty had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she was also Jumal’s fiancée. Nope, nothing at all to do with that little gem.

What the hell did Jumal see in that tall, beautiful, intelligent woman? Height was so overrated in her opinion. Good things came in small packages…right? Or had her mother just been talking a load of rubbish? God she missed her mother.

“I have a charity polo match in a couple of weeks. Can you make it?”

“Oh no, sorry, Jumal. The next few weekends are going to be a real pain for me. I need to travel out to Dubai.”

He watched her sigh as she tilted her head to the side. She looked genuinely sorry that she couldn’t make it but Jumal had been hearing similar excuses for some time now, and he was beginning to think Faridah was having second thoughts about their engagement.

He got the feeling that her heart wasn’t in their relationship any more and possibly lay somewhere else. Not that he had any proof, just a gut feeling. It was strange, though, that this wasn’t what caused him to toss and turn in bed at night. Nope, someone else not a million miles away was the sole cause of that frustration…

“Here’s the contract,” she said, passing the file of papers over the desk and into his hand. “I’ve gone over it and liaised with my opposite number in the Dubai government and hashed out the details. This is the final version ready for signature. No need to check it. I’ll set up a joint meeting for it to be signed,” she told him as she fiddled with her Blackberry. “How’s your diary for a visit to Dubai the week after next?”

“Yeah that’s fine. Speak to Pippa about my availability,” he agreed as he flicked through the file.

“What?” she gasped, looking up from her Blackberry, surprised. “Are you sure you

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