His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,56

mimicked his. She swallowed nervously and bowed her head as he took the final step, which put his body flush against hers. He reached out to cup her chin and raise her eyes; she yielded to his touch. His breath caught as their eyes met again and—BAM.

A moment when time stopped and only the two of them existed. No worries about what their families would think. Just them, drawn together by invisible strings, powerless to do anything but come together.

His hand fell away from her chin but only so he could trace the tips of his fingers tantalisingly down her neck to her clavicle. He heard her breath hitch.

Pip’s head was buzzing. There was something important that she needed to say, but goddamn it she just couldn’t think what the hell it was. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but the fact that Jumal was touching her body. Oh…my…God—Jumal was touching her. It felt like she was in high school again and it was the first time Jimmy “bloody” Stears had “twanged” her bra strap. She giggled at the bizarre and somewhat inappropriate thought even as an excited shiver radiated through her body.

“If you’re laughing I’m not doing this right, Pip, and you’re hurting my ego,” he complained lightly, nipping at her shoulder. Her core clenched in reply and her knees buckled.

“No, no, it’s not you. But Jumal, maybe this isn’t a good idea,” she suggested half-heartedly, clinging tightly to his T-shirt, keeping his body tight to hers yet careful not to crush his bound arm.

“Hmm,” he mumbled against her throat. “I suppose, we could ruin the potential for friendship.”

She sighed. “Not what I was thinking.” She scraped her nails down his back and delighted at the responsive groan from his throat. “I don’t really like you that much anyway,” she said facetiously before letting out her own moan, her head rolling back, exposing the line of her neck in silent invitation.

“Hmm, me neither. You’re a pain in my arse,” he quipped, brushing his lips over her clavicle before nibbling at the sensitive skin where her neck and shoulder met.

“Oh yeah? Well, you’re an arrogant pig and a workaholic control freak,” she countered, her hands gripping desperately at his hair.

“Hmm-hm,” he agreed, bending his knees slightly and running his hand up the back of her right knee, higher still behind her thigh, now dropping his lips down, exploring lower, across the top of her breasts. The scrape of his short nails sent shivers pulsing over her body. “And you’re—”

“Yes?” she prompted breathlessly.

“You’re—” He paused his ministrations and waited until her eyes opened and focused on him before taking her face in his hands. “Mine,” he declared simply before kissing her senseless.

Jumal was lost. His senses overloaded, the sweet taste of Pippa’s lips on his tongue. Hmm, he thought, she must have been eating the baklava they’d bought at the bazaar yesterday, her scent surrounding him. From the moment their tongues touched, he was a lost man. He would have given her anything she asked of him. Somehow, he’d even manage to stop, if she asked that of him…

God he suddenly loved the combined taste of baklava and sherry!

His left hand curled behind her head and into her hair, gathering it in his fist as he deepened their kiss; she moaned with pleasure. He couldn’t recall a woman ever being so audibly responsive to his touch…but then, perhaps he’d never cared to listen so much before now. He wanted, no needed to please Pippa.

The intercom suddenly buzzed and Jumal thought he might have actually growled… He definitely cursed.

“Saved by the bell?” Pippa uttered quietly, ducking her head to rest on his left pec.

“I’ll get rid of them.” He promised before dragging himself away from her body and trying to rearrange his raging erection.

“Yes?” he said abruptly into the intercom system.

“Good evening, sir. Miss Darling has a visitor.”

He turned as Pippa gasped, “Oh God, Jake.” Her hand shot up to cover her mouth fleetingly. “I completely forgot we were going out for a drink before he leaves.” She ducked past him and started to run towards her room shouting behind her, “Just tell him I’ll be down in a minute.” Her door slammed shut.

“Did you get that?” he grumbled to the concierge.

“Yes, sir.”

Jumal leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed his legs, waiting for her to return. So that was it? She was abandoning him to go out with that kid? He let out a quick breath and shook his head to

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