His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,49

he had at his disposal to gain Pippa’s attention, and for some unknown reason, Pippa seemed to be genuinely concerned about him. The thought both bemused and excited him.

“Great.” The kid seemed too pleased with himself as he smiled back at Pippa. Jumal tracked their interaction like he was watching a tennis match. He was getting a headache. He hated tennis. Pointless sport.

Pippa was still rubbing his forearm so he moved and took her hand in his. She looked down, startled, and he thought he heard her breath catch.

“So I’ll give you a call in a couple of days,” Jake suggested.

He just wasn’t getting the idea was he?! She’s mine, he wanted to yell, and I’ve only just realised this so bugger off whilst I figure out how the hell to tell her…

“Sure,” she agreed and thankfully the Yank took that as his cue to leave.

Adiós, chico.

He decided that desperate times called for desperate measures.

“I’ll need you to move in with me,” he demanded brazenly.

He definitely heard the swift intake of her breath this time. “What?” she shrieked, pulling her hand from his grasp. “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

Okkaayy—so he’d been looking for a little more enthusiasm. He pressed on regardless.

“No. I’m not kidding you,” he informed her, slightly peeved by her negative reaction. “As you can see, I am somewhat immobile and I will need you to help me with work and such.”

And she was off again, waving her finger at him and pacing the room. “No way. Nuh-uh, not happening, Jumal. We’ll end up killing each other.”

“Are you or are you not my Personal Assistant?”

“Yes,” she conceded, “but—”

This is low, Jumal, even for you, he thought before continuing, not giving her chance to form an argument.

“This is your final year at university and it would be a great shame if you didn’t finish your placement, wouldn’t it?” he suggested innocently.

She seemed lost for words as she continued to pace and run her hand through her hair. Finally she stopped and stared at him coldly. Eventually she simply nodded.

“Glad we can at least agree on that. I’ll expect you to move into the guest room immediately. Melina can help you and I will have the concierge help at my end. I can still run the businesses from home with your help. Sorted. Would you call for a doctor so we can find out when I can get out of here?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “This isn’t going to end well, Jumal. Most likely one of us will kill the other,” she warned.

“Most likely,” he agreed pursing his lips before continuing. “But hey, with me in this condition, you’ve got to at least fancy your chances against me.”

She rolled her eyes at him and he couldn’t hide the satisfied smile that spread across his lips. He was getting addicted to their banter and was secretly thrilled that he’d get the chance to enjoy it up close and personal for at least the next few weeks. He finally relaxed as she walked over to him again and paused at his bedside before slowly lowering her body towards him. Jesus was she going to kiss him again? His heart raced and the bloody monitors went haywire again. She pressed the nurse call button before slumping back into her chair, muttering to herself before she added, “And just so we’re clear, I don’t cook.”

Jumal let out his breath. She was right; he was an idiot.

He closed his eyes, unable to keep them open any longer. No doubt she was feeling railroaded. Hell he was shell-shocked by his own demands too. It couldn’t be helped though, and he’d make no apology. He got what he wanted: Pippa with him, alone. A chance for her to get to know him, away from work, before he made his intentions towards her clear. He just prayed they both survived it.

When he was finally ready to be checked out, he begrudgingly allowed the nurse to wheel him down the corridor towards the reception area. It was hospital policy apparently, and he no longer had the energy or willpower to argue with Nurse Ratchet. The petite woman was surprisingly strong-willed. He sensed this characterisation was becoming a theme for females in his life. “You have a very lovely fiancée there, Mr Aldabbagh,” she remarked, bending forward as she pushed him along. “She wouldn’t leave you alone the whole time. You take care of that one. She’s a keeper,” she ended in a sing-song voice.

He stood gingerly

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