His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,35

to love the freedom living here gave her. She treasured her growing family completely but she’d never be able to lead a life without Matt’s brotherly concern. He would mean well of course, but still, she had enjoyed the independence and freedom this placement had given her.

Seemingly satisfied at her response, he returned to his quest and Pippa let go of the breath she’d been holding, casting her eyes to the floor. What had James said about Jumal having a thing for her? Could he be right? But she quickly dismissed such ponderings as those of a stupid crush. Did nine years of wanting a man count as a crush?

“How about this one?” he suggested, turning back to her and holding up the hanger, apparently pleased at his discovery, before continuing, “Personally, I think it will make my arse look big, but on you—hmm yeah, I think you can pull it off.”

Assured that she’d fixed a convincing half smile on her face before she looked up, she took in his suggestion and was pleased that she could now offer James a genuine smile as he moulded the dress against his own body. “Perfect.”

“We’re going in that!” Pip exclaimed and stilled, letting go of her holdall and pointing.

“Yes. It’s the quickest way. We’ll be there in thirty-five minutes. Shall we?” he said, moving forward before realising that Pippa hadn’t moved and appeared frozen to the spot. “Pippa?” He glanced back.

“B-but, it’s a helicopter,” she stammered. “A flying metal coffin,” she added weakly, biting her lip, her hands now tightly clenched together in front of her.

Jumal cursed, taking a step back to her side. “Oh Christ, I forgot, Pippa. I’m sorry. Look, I can make alternative arrangements. Let’s go back inside. We can go by speedboat.” He bent to pick up her bag and tossed it over his shoulder, unconcerned by its weight.

“N-no wait,” she called to him and appeared to take a deep breath and pushed her glasses back up her nose. “I can do this. Just…just give me a moment, okay?”

He turned to face her. “If you want to do this, I’ll be right there with you, Pippa. I’ll sit with you. Nothing will happen,” he promised as he reached out to lift her chin. “I swear.” She looked up at him. Her eyes were wide with terror and darting around nervously. He watched mesmerised as she seemed to gather her resolve and finally, after a few moments, she nodded. Her stunning pale blue eyes now focused entirely on his, her glasses merely framing and emphasising their appeal. Abruptly, the full force of his feelings for her hit Jumal like a tsunami. The fact that she was willing to trust him almost brought him to his knees. He knew what it cost her to show her vulnerability to him, to trust him with it and not to take advantage.

On that otherwise innocuous Monday, standing with Pippa at the top of his building that provided the most amazing 360-degree panoramic view of the city, surrounded by warm early morning sunshine and with Pippa appearing ready to flee at any minute, Jumal accepted that his feelings for her were far more complex than pure lust. He wanted to protect her. He would protect this girl with his life, protect her from anything harmful or dangerous, which might just have to include him.

“Come on,” he said encouragingly, taking her hand to lead the way.

True to his word, Jumal hadn’t let her have a full meltdown in front of their pilots as he buckled her into the complex-looking safety belt and popped a huge set of headphones over her ears. He’d sat next to her and when she’d reached into her bag to take her stress ball he simply shook his head and offered her his hand, which she accepted with a grateful smile. She wasn’t sure if he was aware that he’d rubbed his thumb soothingly along her hand for the entire journey. He’d looked over at her occasionally, offering words of encouragement, before trying to get comfortable in his seat and returning to staring out of the window.

It seemed he too had been struggling to get comfortable in those bucket seats. He hadn’t even complained when she’d squeezed his hand tightly and screamed when they’d hit some turbulence. Instead he’d asked her more about her degree course and home, and he’d told her secrets about Matt from their time studying at Oxford University. She knew it was a distraction technique but she

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